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The wedding story

It’s my 1 year anniversary
and I have a gift for you

One year ago tomorrow, I married myself, and it wasn’t a small, private, ceremony with just myself and the moonlight. It was a 50-people at a mansion overlooking the ocean at sunset kind of affair.

I did not plan on this happening in this way. 

And, yet, it turns out to have been the most transformational day of my life.

I’m sharing all the details of it with you because I believe I’ve cracked a code on something really important around contracts and personal development and the use of very mundane tools to create a sacred ritual to create a truly aligned Life.

If you’ve been a seeker of truth, desiring to find your own power, and you must be if you are hear reading my newsletter … I think you’re really going to love seeing what I’m modeling for you here.

Whether you have already found the “One” or you’ve been seeking your “One” or you’ve wondered if you could be the “One” or you wonder how to have “One” when you really want many …

Or, if you’ve wondered how to step fully into your power and purpose …

Or if you just desire to understand more about your desire and what you really, really, really, REALLY want …

The process of marrying myself clarified so much for me.

I’ve spent years struggling with the existential angst of who I am, why I’m here, and what’s mine to do.

I’ve spent years wondering if I was on the right path, questing after more and more success, walking away from everything, coming back to it, growing my leadership and my motherhood, and throughout it all … wondering when it would happen for me.

Marrying myself turned out to be the answer to all the questions. And, it’s something you may want to consider as a possibility for yourself, even if you’re already married to someone else.

With hindsight, I can see how the greatest transformation of my life began when I created my marriage contract a couple of years earlier, during Covid times …

If you’ve been with me any length of time, you know I’ve been through quite a lot of transformation. Massive successes, ego deaths, and resurrections …the transformation has been real.

And, the transformation that has occurred through this marriage process has been the greatest by far.

It all started with creating my marriage contract with myself.

A 4-month process that led into buying myself a ring, having a full-on engagement ceremony with proposal in front of my Boulder community, and then a full-on wedding … DJ, caterer, 2 officiants, wedding dress, and even a harpist!

I did not anticipate that.

Had I known when I began, I might not have begun.

I would have poo poo’d it as “not for me” as I have habitually done over the years with the things that turned out to be the best things that ever could have occurred in my life.

So, if you find yourself poo poo’ing the idea of marrying yourself as “not for you” consider the possibility that maybe there’s something here for you (just based on the fact that you are still reading this right now), and that maybe there’s a deeper calling of your soul whispering to you, inviting you to just consider that maybe you should get closer to remember something you’ve forgotten.

And that’s my gift to you …

I’m inviting you in.

To get closer.


In .. to .. me .. see.


Because we need more role models of new structures for living, and as I step into my eldership, it’s clear to me that’s what I am here to provide.

Watch your email tomorrow for the link to get the whole wedding video transmission.

To your eyes (and heart) wide open,
Ali Katz

PS. If you are excited about what I’m sharing here, I’d really love it if you go over to my Insta where I’m hosting #365forreels (yep, 365 days of reels) and share a little love on one of my recent instas with a comment to LMK you see me. In my marriage contract, I committed to creating content and sharing my journey without expectation of anything in return AND I sure do get inspired to keep going when I am aware of the impact on you. So please share with me, if you are impacted by anything I am sharing there.

For the Lawyers We Love…

Use Independent Civic Stewardship to Create Unparalleled Demand for Your Law Practice​

Use Independent Civic Stewardship to Create Unparalleled Demand for Your Law Practice


If you ever worry that your market is saturated, or you aren’t sure how to get a steady stream of clients, or wonder where your next new client is going to come from, or find yourself dreaming about the day when your calendar is overflowing with new business…

You need to listen to the recording of my latest masterclass on how to Use Independent Civic Stewardship to Create Unparalleled Demand for Your Law Practice. 

You’ll discover how participating in local civic affairs is good for you, your community, your law practice and your career as a lawyer. 

It’s what lawyers always did, and don’t do as much anymore because we’re just so busy building businesses, raising kids and the like… but when you see how it can help your community and build your law practice at the same time, I think it’s going to be a game-changer for you.

Want to Learn What I Walked Angela Through Step by Step Over the Weekend Without Paying $25k For It? Get the Recording of My Free Training with Kim Here.

Wow, this event with me and Kim Rockwood was so good, if you’ve ever struggled with managing your time … we lay out the solution right here. Here’s what a few of the lawyers who attended said about it:

Join me and Kim Rockwood, Personal Family Lawyer + NLBM Senior Law Business Advisor and Success Coach, to learn and apply:

3 Time Management Strategies for Consistent Law Practice Growth
How to Get It All Done: Keep Your Calendar Under Control
and Get All the Clients You Need

Quick Links:

More radio!

I was recently interviewed on Salem Radio Dallas, TX with host Gordon Griffin about What to Leave for The People You Love. The most important thing when it comes to protecting our family’s assets is actually not the three legal documents that every adult needs to have, but it is that we have created an inventory of our assets and we’ve left behind instructions on how to find those assets, where they are, what to do with them, and then ideally as well a trusted advisor to help our family make the right decisions during a time of grief and stress. A trusted advisor is the best resource to leave to the people you love. Somebody who knew you while you were living, knew what you wanted, and helped you to create the right legal documents, and keep them up to date through your life. The right legal documents – a will, a healthcare directive, and a power of attorney for all adults – those are easy to create. Just google it. But someone who can be there to help your family with them, that’s priceless. Find your Personal Family Lawyer here.

Are you checking out Ali’s socials? She’s been live posting from Costa Rica, and this is going to be a big week you won’t want to miss. Catch Ali’s stories on Instagram or her Ali Katz “fan page” on Facebook.

If you haven’t already, be sure to follow @personalfamilylawyer on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram 

Follow New Law Business Model on Instagram for Law Practice Pivots📈

Join the Lifestyle Lawyer’s Club Facebook Group of 1.7k+ lawyers like you⚖️

Subscribe to receive The Relational Lawyer newsletter to your inbox 4x a month📩

Not a Lawyer? Click here to join Eyes Wide Open Membership today🤝

Next Level Impact: From
1:1 to 1:Many With Eyes Wide Open
Time + Money Leadership

This past weekend, I hosted my friend Angela for a 1:1 in-person intensive here in Costa Rica, and she gave me permission to share the details with you so you can get the “eyes wide open” benefits of what she learned.

If you want to see the gorgeous photos, you can check the LIFTed Advisor highlights tab on my insta.

First, it’s important to note: I don’t work with private clients these days.

Nearly 6 months ago, I completed with my last private client when I realized I needed to make my Company my one and only private client. I needed to give myself what I was giving others, stop interim CEO’ing for both my Company and a few others, and step back in as Full-Time CEO of my own Company. 


It was a massive turn-around on many levels.

My Company has had a huge uplevel, we’re hitting our numbers month after month, serving at another level, and have a happy team and happy clients.

But, then, I came to Costa Rica, and had this super fancy house with extra space (some people call it the big sexy house because the ceilings are so high and the views are so sexy), and a free weekend ….

And I had been wanting to support Angela to bring her own next level work into the world for sometime, and so I texted her and said … you ready? She said FFY … full fuck yes, I’m ready.

The one important thing was that we had to make sure that this was not going to be just another “coaching” investment for her. She’s invested a LOT in coaching over the past couple of years, but all that coaching wasn’t getting her past where she was.

She’s already super high performance.

She brought in just shy of $1M of revenue last year, by herself. Let me say that again, by herself.

Angela is a savant. Incredibly smart, efficient, doesn’t need much sleep, has an amazing market that she loves to serve (lawyer for the LGBTQIA+ community in Philly), and can serve them single-handedly because she’s leveraged some tech and some systems she’s created to be able to do so by herself.

But, because she’s gotten so good at doing what she does ALL ALONE, it’s been very hard for her to stop doing what she does.

It’s all dependent on her.

And, she wants to leverage + scale because the LGBTQIA+ community needs more great lawyers like her, across the US and the globe.

Plus, I want her to train my lawyer community on how to do a better job of serving the LGBTQIA+ community because they are growing and surprisingly underserved by the legal community.

So for all of those reasons, it was a win/win for Angela to pay $25k to spend the weekend with me, and get my help with her business.

Truth be told, Angela didn’t just spend the weekend with me, but with me and my community down here in Costa Rica. I don’t do much alone these days. I know my strengths and then I bring people in to complement my strengths and serve alongside me. It’s one of the ways I’m able to get as much done as I do, and make the biggest impact possible.

And, this is one of the key tenets of the idea of “we create the economy” — we do not create a new economy by trying to do everything ourselves, but instead by paying others to work with us to do what they do great, and to just do our part, what only we can do.

Getting clear on what is yours to do is critically important in this “we create the economy” model.

My part to do was to say yes to working with Angela, and make sure she received my support to see where she could create systems in her law practice to free up her time, energy, and attention so she can shift from a 1:1 model (all dependent on her) into the foundation she’ll need to begin to serve “1 to many” and impact many more people with her genius.

My partner in supporting Angela was Amanda Goolsby, my “wifey” (non-romantic life partner), future podcast partner, and the best VIP day partner a gal could have. Amanda was instrumental in the growth of Orange Theory Fitness, so she KNOWS business, and she’s the one who makes sure that we incorporate health and body and movement and nourishment into our VIP experiences.

So, what actually happened during this VIP weekend with me, Amanda and Angela?

Well to begin with, Angela’s calendar went from blank to not blank … and she’s feeling more freedom, not less.

You see, Angela had achieved what many business owners want, at least what they think they want: a million dollar business, and a completely open calendar.

Except that desire for an empty calendar is a false flag of freedom that’s actually a trap created by the rebellious teenager inside of us that is driving the desire for freedom.

If you have a part of you that is a “don’t tell me what to do” part, and that thinks things like “if I have a lot on my calendar, I feel trapped” and has built your business to support your empty calendar, congratulations … you’ve hit a level of success that few ever get to, AND that empty calendar is keeping you trapped.

How can that be?  Read on …

So we spent the first morning of our time together looking at what she really wants.

I first began to do this for myself in 2010 when I had achieved all of my first level of success, and couldn’t go any higher.

On paper, I was free.

I had created 2 million dollar businesses, was “first level” famous as a family financial and legal expert on TV, and was in a relationship with the love of my life.

Yet, I cried everyday because I felt so empty and lost inside, and I had no idea why.

I could do whatever I wanted. But I didn’t know what I wanted to do. 

It took me hiring an interim CEO to run my Company, cut all my overhead by half, and get on the phone with me everyday and ask me “Lex, what do you want?” As I whined back, “I don’t know.” 

It took me walking away from everything to find out.

The good news for Angela is that she doesn’t need to do all that because instead she came out to Costa Rica to work with me and Amanda to get clear and create a plan of action before she “Kali-Ma’d” everything to find out what she really wants. 

It turns out, Angela is actually very clear. 

I’ve heard her talking about what she wants for the 2 years since I met her.

And, yet, I’ve also watched her continue to hire one coach after another, and still not create it.

So, here we are … in Costa Rica, mapping out the path to get there.

As soon as we sit down and I ask Angela to show me her calendar, the first thing I see is that Angela is too free. There’s nothing at all on her calendar.

A blank slate that feels like freedom, but which is actually keeping her from achieving her dreams, spinning around amongst the options and the freedom, like a wild top without any containment.

Too much choice, and too much freedom, can keep us from having what we really want more than anything.

It’s a level, a stage, and not the final destination.

The path to creating what she wants could even look and feel a whole lot like a constriction on her freedom.



Hiring a team, and becoming the leader she has no training to be.

Mastering her calendar.

Changing the way she does things so that she’s not the only one doing everything, and has an army of people working alongside her to at least partially replicate what she can do single-handedly.

You see, Angela is a savant.

She’s one of those geniuses that so many lawyers are who can handle a massive amount of information in her head.

She can attract 1:1 clients, and track details in a way that allowed her to serve over $900k of clients last year, by herself


But, that leaves her zero time for anything else.

Which means she hasn’t launched her Caravan of Hope (an annual tour during Pride Month across the US to provide legal services to underserved LGBTQIA+ communities), yet.

And, she hasn’t created her training program to teach lawyers to serve the LGBTQIA community, yet.

She hasn’t run her virtual summit, yet

Thanks to our work together this past weekend, all of that will now happen this year.

For Angela to go from a 1:1 model, in which she serves approximately 100 to 120 clients or so per year, to a 1: many model in which she serves thousands of people in a year, something’s got to give.

It’s the same thing that needed to give for me to make my own leap of impact back in 2010, except I didn’t know that’s what Life wanted … and so instead of learning to get disciplined in service to more freedom, I indulged the escape fantasy, killed everything I created, and moved to a farm to find out who I was, if money didn’t matter and I had all the time in the world.

It was an important time for me to grow up and get into right relationship with time and money, and what I learned is that discipline creates freedom, and that there is a way to be a leader that creates more expansion of capacity, rather than less.

I needed to detach from my ideas of what freedom was – a young, rebellious, almost peter pan type of freedom — into a next level understanding of true liberation. A turn of the wheel. A leveling up.

Each turn of the wheel will require letting go of what you’ve always done to liberate yourself into something new. Detachment. It’s the 3rd stage of the 4-stage spiral path I call the Journey to Financial Liberation.

It’s the case for Angela as she goes from 1:1 to 1:many, and it’s the same for me as I go from a 7.5M/year serving 1:many to over $10M/year and serving many millions …

The last time I attempted a leap this big, I dropped it all, spiraled down for a bit, and 

Letting go of what you’ve always done to liberate yourself into something new.

It’s confronting as fuck because it seems to take away freedom, rather than give you more. And, it seems to cost you money, rather than give you more. 

The detachment stage of the journey is a paradox.

When I was here last turn of the wheel myself, I just dropped all of it and walked away because I didn’t know how to do it otherwise. Many do exactly that … 

Now, what I’m guiding Angela to do, and what I’m doing with myself, is to detach from an old, limited, almost teenager-like, immature idea of freedom, and step into the next level of liberation.



Growing up.

And, yes, for Angela, at this time, that looks like discipline, focus, going from a blank calendar to a VERY FULL, VERY SCHEDULED, MASTERY OF HER CALENDAR, and next will be mastery of her financials at a very detail level too.

To the part that has to detach, the rebellious one who got us here to the top of this first mountain, it can feel like death.

It is. A death of a part that needs to die, so that something new can be born.

It’s a new life.

It’s a new level of liberation that is far beyond what the rebellious teenager ever could have accomplished on her own, no matter how smart or savvy she is.

It’s time for new skills.

It’s time for new choices.

It’s time for a new willingness, and new abilities.


Contracts, Covenants + Communion

The come down is real. Last week, I flew a team out to Costa Rica (including my daughter in the role of makeup artist), to shoot content with me for all the things. If you weren’t watching the shoot in my Insta stories, you can catch up on some of it in this post, this post, and watch the highlights in Life + Legacy.

Two quizzes, one for the lawyer community to determine the wealth to happiness ratio of their law practice, one for the Personal Family Lawyer website to answer the question “what is the right type of estate plan for you?”

About 40 short-form insta/tik-tok style videos for both the lawyers, and for the clients they serve as Personal Family Lawyer firms.

And, then, I spent the last day making content for my personal brand, which I think is going to be the rebirth of “Ali Shanti”, remember her?

If you’re new here, “Ali Shanti” is my artist/priestess name. You can read the history of all my names here.

The content we filmed will come out on 2/22/2023 … the one-year anniversary of my wedding to myself. 

It will tell the whole story. 

Watch for it.

Contracts, Covenants + Communion: Tools for Practical Magic

Creating my marriage contract with myself was an act of practical magic that has transformed my life in the most epic ways. 

I am beyond excited to share it all with you so you can consider how seemingly mundane and practical tools like contracts, and even wills and trusts, and insurance, and bookkeeping and tax filings, can create magic in your life too.

Truly, magic.

Stay tuned. So much more to come.

To your eyes (and heart) wide open,

Ali Katz

PS. So very grateful to Wendy Ramirez for this unsolicited testimonial about her experience in Eyes Wide Open: the membership and with our LIFT Foundation System program this past year. Swoon …

For the Lawyers We Love… (and, really, this one could be for anyone interested in next level civic stewardship – you don’t HAVE to be a lawyer, but it’ll just be even better if you are)

Use Independent Civic Stewardship to Create Unparallelled Demand for Your Law Practice

Use Independent Civic Stewardship to Create Unparalleled Demand for Your Law Practice

February 7th at 2:30pm ET

If you ever worry that your market is saturated, or you aren’t sure how to get a steady stream of clients, or wonder where your next new client is going to come from, or find yourself dreaming about the day when your calendar is overflowing with new business…

I’ve got a new masterclass for you! I’m going to show you how to Use Independent Civic Stewardship to Create Unparalleled Demand for Your Law Practice. 

You’ll discover how participating in local civic affairs is good for you, your community, your law practice and your career as a lawyer. 

It’s what lawyers always did, and don’t do as much anymore because we’re just so busy building businesses, raising kids and the like… but when you see how it can help your community and build your law practice at the same time, I think it’s going to be a game-changer for you.

Be sure to book time in your calendar to join us live on February 7th at 2:30pm ET if you possibly can. Or, if you already know you can’t make it live, register now and schedule time in your calendar to watch the recording afterward, so when we send it out, you can watch and take action. 

I look forward to seeing you there!

Quick Links:

I’ve recently been featured on the following radio shows:

I’ve recently been featured on the following radio shows:

In this discussion Ali touches on the beauty of death’s wisdom. Healing a family legacy of distrust and sharing important basics on preparing yourself, and your family legally for the most graceful transition possible. She invites you to be prepared for the unexpected and use practical tools such as a will, a health care directive, and/or a power of attorney to support your family foundation. She supports you in developing awareness around who you can rely on; as waiting to plan for the unexpected is an invaluable price- death comes when death comes. You and your family deserve the most ease in this mysterious transition of life.

  • Ali’s interview on KDKA – a dialogue on Money and Family

How can we approach the topic of finances and death with our elders’ in the most considerate and loving manner? It’s a sensitive topic discussing money and death! Ali sheds light on how to use vulnerable communication skills when approaching your loved ones to open a dialogue around what’s next with family money after the loss of a loved one. Ali shares and shows the value of shifting from the child archetype to the nurturer/parental archetype- so you can step into your adulthood, and care for your elders; perhaps even far better than they knew how to care for you. This is the evolutionary process, and you are an integral part of it. Ali educates you on practical ways you can simplify the container for easy digestibility with the right conversation, legal tools and planning support.

Facing life and death is an opportunity to put genuine philosophy of integrity into action- How would you like your family and the world to remember you? What does it truly mean to be a lawyer today? How do we break free of the barriers of conditioning about what it means to work in law? 

In this discussion, Ali talks about the root of purpose and leaning into building resources that are also in alignment with your highest service. For her, being a Lawyer is more than upholding the traditional values of law- it is a sacred responsibility to build and enforce the framework for a more wholesome society. No matter what your purpose is, being a lawyer, chef, teacher, entrepreneur, coach, etc., understanding the value of your life and life’s work will support peaceful transitions within as well as beyond your life. 

Are you checking out Ali’s socials? She’s been live posting from Costa Rica, and this is going to be a big week you won’t want to miss. Catch Ali’s stories on Instagram or her Ali Katz “fan page” on Facebook.

If you haven’t already, be sure to follow @personalfamilylawyer on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram 

Follow New Law Business Model on Instagram for Law Practice Pivots📈

Join the Lifestyle Lawyer’s Club Facebook Group of 1.7k+ lawyers like you⚖️

Subscribe to receive The Relational Lawyer newsletter to your inbox 4x a month📩

Not a Lawyer? Click here to join Eyes Wide Open Membership today🤝

I cannot believe I’m doing this …

If you were around these parts last year, you’ll remember that on 2/22/2022, I got married … to myself.

And, while I shared some of the story, I never shared all of it.

And, I never shared the actual wedding video itself.

Or really told the complete story of the transformational process that began when I created my marriage contract (my ketubah), had a formal engagement ceremony, and then married myself.

What I’ve discovered over the past year is that the marriage contract, engagement and wedding process were a portal of transformation that radically and dramatically changed my life.

  • I’ve healed a lifetime of challenges around belonging. 
  • I’ve stepped into my personal power in a whole new way. 
  • I’ve reclaimed the places I was steeped in drama triangles, and broken free. 
  • I’ve solved any last issues around scarcity. 
  • And I’m no longer boy crazy, like I was since kindergarten (still love boys, just not crazy about it anymore).

So, as my gift to myself, and to everyone else who may desire this sort of transformation in their own lives, I’m producing a “I’m not even sure what to call it” about the entire experience … mini-documentary perhaps? If you have a name for a thing that tells a story, that isn’t quite a documentary, but that shares a story and its lessons in video form, please hit reply and LMK.

I’m going all in with this. You can follow the journey in my stories on Insta or my Fan Page on Facebook (the stories don’t make it to my personal profile on FB, so if you want to follow along … you need to be on the Fan Page).

Filming begins on Thursday. I’m flying out a film crew. I’ve hired a storyteller, an executive producer, and I’m doing this. It feels a lot like the entire marriage contract to wedding portal did, honestly. I’m doing my part, but it’s clearly being guided by Life itself, and I’m just listening, showing up, and taking action by saying yes when it’s clear that there is a yes to be said.

It’s taken years to get to this level of clarity and discernment, and I think what I share in this “documentary” series will help you get there a lot more quickly.

Stay tuned. So much more to come.

To your eyes (and heart) wide open,

Ali Katz

PS. So very grateful to Wendy Ramirez for this unsolicited testimonial about her experience in Eyes Wide Open: the membership and with our LIFT Foundation System program this past year. Swoon …

For the Lawyers We Love … Get the Recording and Take Control of Your Calendar Now

Wow, this event with me and Kim Rockwood was so good, if you’ve ever struggled with managing your time … we lay out the solution right here. Here’s what a few of the lawyers who attended said about it:

Join me and Kim Rockwood, Personal Family Lawyer + NLBM Senior Law Business Advisor and Success Coach, to learn and apply:

3 Time Management Strategies for Consistent Law Practice Growth How to Get It All Done: Keep Your Calendar Under Control and Get All the Clients You Need

Quick Links:

I’ve recently been featured on the following radio shows:

In this discussion Ali touches on the beauty of death’s wisdom. Healing a family legacy of distrust and sharing important basics on preparing yourself, and your family legally for the most graceful transition possible. She invites you to be prepared for the unexpected and use practical tools such as a will, a health care directive, and/or a power of attorney to support your family foundation. She supports you in developing awareness around who you can rely on; as waiting to plan for the unexpected is an invaluable price- death comes when death comes. You and your family deserve the most ease in this mysterious transition of life.

  • Ali’s interview on KDKA – a dialogue on Money and Family

How can we approach the topic of finances and death with our elders’ in the most considerate and loving  manner? It’s a sensitive topic discussing money and death! Ali sheds light on how to use vulnerable communication skills when approaching your loved ones to open a dialogue around what’s next with family money after the loss of a loved one. Ali shares and shows the value of shifting from the child archetype to the nurturer/parental archetype- so you can step into your adulthood, and care for your elders; perhaps even far better than they knew how to care for you. This is the evolutionary process, and you are an integral part of it. Ali educates you on practical ways you can simplify the container for easy digestibility with the right conversation, legal tools and planning support.

Facing life and death is an opportunity to put genuine philosophy of integrity into action- How would you like your family and the world to remember you? What does it truly mean to be a lawyer today? How do we break free of the barriers of conditioning about what it means to work in law? 

In this discussion, Ali talks about the root of purpose and leaning into building resources that are also in alignment with your highest service. For her, being a Lawyer is more than upholding the traditional values of law- it is a sacred responsibility to build and enforce the framework for a more wholesome society. No matter what your purpose is, being a lawyer, chef, teacher, entrepreneur, coach, etc., understanding the value of your life and life’s work will support peaceful transitions within as well as beyond your life. 

Are you checking out Ali’s socials? She’s been live posting from Costa Rica, and this is going to be a big week you won’t want to miss. Catch Ali’s stories on Instagram or her Ali Katz “fan page” on Facebook.

If you haven’t already, be sure to follow @personalfamilylawyer on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram 

Follow New Law Business Model on Instagram for Law Practice Pivots📈

Join the Lifestyle Lawyer’s Club Facebook Group of 1.7k+ lawyers like you⚖️

Subscribe to receive The Relational Lawyer newsletter to your inbox 4x a month📩

Not a Lawyer? Click here to join Eyes Wide Open Membership today🤝