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Ali Katz

The single most important factor to your success

The single most important factor to your success is focus, but not the kind of focus you think so bear with me here. Before you dismiss what I just wrote and close the rest of this email with a list of all the reasons you cannot focus, or do not focus, take a breath and stay here with me for a few minutes because I promise you what I’m sharing could be the game changer you’ve been seeking.

Before I share the secret to focus, I want you to know I understand why you may want to turn away from the idea that focus is the key to your success. Focus has been the most challenging part of my journey to creating what I desire in life and business.

While I’ve never had an official diagnosis, and do not intend to get one, I am quite sure I have ADHD (or whatever the current name or acronym for it is).

When I watch the #ADHDTikTok videos, I’m thinking to myself the whole time “holy shizzz, they get me!” 

And I’ve learned some new strategies that have helped me to uplevel my ability to move things forward, while also feeling gotten and understood, which helps me not waste any attention or energy on beating myself up, or wondering what’s wrong with me.

And, that my friend, is one of the first things I want to support you to know about the secret to focus. 

Focus begins with slowing down enough to notice your thoughts. So, take a minute right now, and notice your thoughts. Breathe in and listen to what your mind is saying beneath the words you are reading here. What is the narrative running in your head?

Beginning to listen to that narrative is critical because it’s driving you in ways that you likely cannot see, and which are taking you off your path, distracting you, causing the ADHD symptoms to ramp up (diagnosis or not, you know) and keep you from the success that you desire to have.

When you can listen to the thoughts in your head, you can begin to notice that there is a listener. There is something that is hearing those thoughts. What is that something? Pause for a minute and tap into the listener that is hearing the thoughts.

See if you can separate yourself from the thoughts, and become the listener of the thoughts. If you can hear the thoughts, who is the YOU that hears the thoughts? 

Ah, perhaps there is an observer of those thoughts.

That’s YOU … 

The thoughts are not you.

Recognizing this, remembering this, waking up to this is the very first stage of FOCUS. You begin to realize and recognize that YOU (the listener to the thoughts) are in control of those thoughts, and can direct your energy and attention wherever you choose.

But, first it does take recognition of these thoughts, so if you aren’t there yet, pause, breathe, feel, listen …

Okay, so now, drop the belief that you cannot control your thoughts because you can. And, your ability to control your thoughts IS the #1 determiner of your success.

Forget the stories and ideas and teachings that tell you that you must FOCUS on just one thing, and that you cannot multi-task and be successful.

That is NOT universally true.

I am a MASTER multi-tasker. I graduated first in my class from Georgetown law, and I studied for every exam with the TV on because that’s what worked best for my brain. Had I tried to study in a quiet library, I probably would have ended up in the bottom third of the class because that doesn’t work for me.

So stop listening to what others tell you is the right way to work, and find the way that is the right way for YOU. Yes, the YOU that is YOU.

The kind of FOCUS I am talking about is the FOCUS of your thoughts that impact your use of time, energy, and attention.

When I say FOCUS is the key to your success, it is not the traditional FOCUS of so many — Finish One Course Until Success, UNLESS that’s the kind of FOCUS that works for YOU. For some folks, it is … know yourself.

But, if you are a multi-passionate, fast thinker, quick learner, who likes a lot of things at once, then the kind of FOCUS that’s critical to your success is to take control of your time, energy, and attention kind of focus.

And, it really helps if you find something you are so passionate about from an aligned, purpose, fulfillment, meets your time and money goals perspective that anytime you are focused on anything other than that, you can easily bring yourself back to what matters because it’s so clear.

So, yes, FOCUS is the #1 factor to your success, but it’s not the kind of singularity of focus that requires you to only do one thing at a time. It’s the kind of singularity of focus that keeps your mind under control, focused on what you are creating, what you want, who you desire to be, why you are here, and what’s yours to do.

For me, today, what that looked like ….

I’ve worked on at least 15 different things today, as we prepare for the launch of our new Personal Family Lawyer brand, website, delightfulness, including: 

  • This newsletter
  • Multiple pages of website copy edits
  • Restructuring of calls with our lawyer ambassadors to talk with lawyers interested in becoming PFLs
  • Catch up call with one of my favorite former private clients
  • Call with our advertising team
  • Started an Instagram post I didn’t finish 
  • Made plans for dinner
  • Worked on details of a wedding I’ll be attending in Austin next weekend
  • Had a team call with the Eyes Wide Open team
  • Made arrangements for my dog to be walked
  • Ate food
  • Drank a smoothie
  • Said goodbye to a beloved leaving for a few weeks
  • Met with my financial team
  • Worked on a new quiz I’m designing for our Personal Family Lawyer firms to use in their communities
  • Finalized the manuscript for the 2nd edition of Wear Clean Underwear — the first book I published in 2008

There is no way I’d have been able to focus on all of this if I wasn’t clear about what matters, and stayed FOCUSed on what I am creating in the world. 

I’ve spent the past twenty years getting clear, healing family trauma/karmic wounds, repeatedly asking myself who I am, why I’m here, and what’s mine to do, crystallizing how my system works so I could work with myself, instead of against myself.

I share this with you because I have a sneaking suspicion that you have misinterpreted what it means to focus, and as a result you are sabotaging your success.

  • You are focusing on what you don’t want, rather than what you do.
  • You are focusing on what’s not working, rather than what is.
  • You are focusing on the wrong daily activities because you haven’t looked out ten years into the future, gotten clear on what you want to create, and worked backwards from there. 
  • You are focusing on worry, doubt, and stress rather than on gaining clarity or taking action.

Eyes Wide Open is about you making eyes wide open decisions with the support you really need from legal, insurance, financial and tax advisors you can trust, so you can FOCUS on the things that really matter … your purpose, your work in the world, your family and friends. 

If you want to be one of those advisors, watch the recording from my “Discover PFL” webinar hosted last week. Details below.

And, if you are a parent, and know you need to focus on some legal, insurance, financial and tax matters for the people you love, listen in on my podcast episode with Katie Wells, the Wellness Mama, details below.

And, if you have ever wondered how much to share publicly via social media, and whether over-sharing could hurt your business, or how to share in a way that has people able to understand what you are sharing and why, listen in on the SPEAK Session I did this week with Isabella Braveheart, Jolie Dawn and Amanda Goolsby. It was really good, and it’s available in Isabella’s 5-day challenge, which you can access here.

“Expression is scary. Speaking my truth isn’t always safe. Maybe I’m too much?”

I have felt these things time and time again. I bet you have too. This is why I’m inviting you to be a part of my dear sister/friend @IsablellaBraveheart’s FREE 5-day online challenge called SPEAK.  

Isabella does not do fluff. Life is raw, intense and unpredictable. So is @IsabellaBraveheart. Join us in the deep end – and SPEAK!

 Isabella will be hosting live daily Zoom calls with a juicy lineup of storytellers, artists, speakers and expressionists, including yours truly, to help you explore and embody YOUR expression more deeply. 

I will be speaking about  “The Power of Witnessing”  in one of many of Isabella’s FREE calls during the challenge and YOU are personally invited to join us. 

We kick off the SPEAK challenge on September 19th

Join us here—»

The Wellness Mama Podcast

It was an honor to speak on the Wellness Mama podcast Episode 568 starting at timestamp 4 minutes and 20 seconds in, if you want to get right to it because you are busy AF. 

In this episode, Katie Wells, the Wellness Mama, and I cover: 

  • The important things to think about from legal and financial perspectives, especially when you have kids!
  • Why it is so important to name guardians for your kids in case something happens and how to do it the right way; 
  • Important steps to put in place when figuring out guardianship and financial assets for your kids; 
  • What to know about life insurance and who to name as beneficiary (hint: not your kids); 
  • The importance of a revocable living trust for your kids; 
  • Why not to rely on social security for retirement (and what to do instead), 

And, a whole lot more …

And if you’re a lawyer, this episode is chock-full of guidance you can pass on to the clients you love and serve.

Listen here:

If you’re a lawyer and you missed the Discover PFL event last week, catch the recording below:

Discover Personal Family Lawyer®

Discover Personal Family Lawyer®

Do you feel overworked, unappreciated, and unfulfilled as a lawyer? Are you starting to think that practicing law may not be for you?

If you feel that way, you’re not alone.

The current law practice model is broken, and it’s leaving many lawyers disillusioned with their careers. And not only is the current model not working for you, it’s not serving clients either. The current practice model is set up to encourage lawyers to drag out conflicts and keep clients on the phone to bill more hours. This system also forces lawyers to be on call day and night and overwork for insufficient pay while never really getting to build relationships with clients and being undervalued and underappreciated.

I was once where you are—burnt out and unfulfilled from working in the broken system. I finally reached the point where I couldn’t take it anymore, and I decided things had to change.That’s why I created the New Law Business Model. I invested a million dollars and 15 years building and testing a law practice business model that gives lawyers complete control of their schedule and income while working with clients they love who love them back.

As a lawyer, I know you want to help people and serve your community while at the same time loving your work and being able to provide for your family. I want those things for you too. That’s why I hope you’ll watch the recording of my most recent event, Discover Personal Family Lawyer.

In this Masterclass I revealed:

  • How to become your community’s most trusted resource: their Personal Family Lawyer®
  • How to transform your law practice from the clients and work you hate to a fulfilling career that serves your life and the people in your community
  • How to build a successful law practice with a service you love to deliver, clients who are happy to pay you an average fee of $4,500 per engagement, and a proven process for getting hired 80+% of the time you talk with a potential client

Watch the recording here!

Quick Links:

I’d love for us to stay connected! When you connect with me on social media you will be able to be even more in the know about upcoming events and registration details.

Watch the Replay: How to Use Free Marketing to Consistently Attract More Law Practice Clients

Follow Ali on Instagram to keep up with her journey 📱

Follow New Law Business Model on Instagram for Law Practice Pivots📈

Join the Lifestyle Lawyer’s Club Facebook Group of 5k lawyers like you⚖️

Subscribe to receive The Entrepreneurial Lawyer newsletter to your inbox 2x a month📩

Not a Lawyer? Click here to join Eyes Wide Open Membership today🤝

The Hard Thing About Hard Things (Plus, a Really Big Thing)

Right at the precipice of all of the biggest breakthroughs … 

BREAKDOWN. The question is what you’ll do with it. Run headfirst into the opportunity of the challenge? Or retreat, tail between your legs, to the safety and comfort of old patterns?

Either way … the sun will rise tomorrow. The only real question is will you like the person you are when it does? 

And, if you don’t, you can always make a different choice. That’s the great part about life. Everything can shift in a moment.

It simply takes your awareness of the vastness of your choice to bring your attention to what really matters.

As I stand on the precipice of my own next level and in the midst of the big breakdown preceding the breakthrough, I’m reading a book by Ben Horowitz called The Hard Thing About Hard Things, and it should be required reading for anyone seeking to build anything big and meaningful.

If you are in the struggle at all, or feeling the question of whether to give up or forge ahead, read it. It’ll either inspire you to keep growing, or it may scare you right into completely giving up.

Either way, I trust it will support your next step.

Twelve years ago, when I hit up against a very similar challenge, I recall one of the coaches I followed at that time saying “You’re either growing or dying.” And my response to that was, okay then, I’ll die. I don’t want to grow anymore.

So, I did.

I walked away from all I had created, and died into my next best self. I remembered that none of who I appeared to be on the outside — family, financial and legal expert, business woman, or mom —  identified the truth of me. 

The truth of my being was so much more than all of that.

It was a ten year process of integration, and now with this next turn of the wheel, here I am again.

A precipice. 

And, of course, a breakdown to precede it.

This time, though, I have the context of multiple cycles and I know what comes next, regardless of what I choose.

The journey to liberation (especially financial liberation) isn’t linear, it’s spiral. We get to revisit everything we’ve touched in the past repeatedly until we heal it, fully.

My current stage = detachment. 

  • Can I hold all that I’ve created so lightly that if it’s not meant for me, I can easily let it go? 
  • Can I release my grip on how I think it should be and let Life operate through me in such a way that my capacity is expanded exponentially to steward more, without holding on to any of it? 
  • Can I make it through this moment keeping my heart open, my soul in service, and trusting that Life has my back in ways that my little mind can’t see?
  • Can I truly trust that whatever is arising is guiding me to release what needs to be let go, and to step into my next best, most powerful self?

This time around the wheel, the answer is an unequivocal yes. I’m here for it. I don’t know exactly what I’m being tested on yet (that will come with the benefit of hindsight), but I am deeply grateful for the test because I know what it means …

There’s greatness on the other side, and all I have to do is keep showing up in alignment with my values, honing my leadership, trusting that Life has my back, and is removing everything that is not an energetic match to my next level, and giving me all the resources I need to see my vision come to pass.

When you are in the breakdown and everything around you seems to be challenging your conviction, your purpose and your future, your psychology and management of your emotional state is the single most important factor in how you get to the other side. 

You are an incredibly powerful creator of reality.

And, let’s be clear — the question is not whether you will get to the other side (of course you will, one way or another) But HOW will you get there? 

Will you get there with stress and worry and tension and bad mood and grumpiness (I’ve gone that path before) or will you get there with deep faith and trust that you will be able to keep meeting each moment and knowing what to do, knowing what to say, knowing how to be? 

If this is a hard moment, it means even bigger and better things are coming, but Life will only reward you with those bigger and better things IF you prove yourself worthy … 

Some people say it’s not necessary to prove yourself, but I disagree.

Life is always testing your worthiness. If everyone was just “worthy”, well we’d all have the same station in life, right?

We’d all know our purpose, and our path, and our deep self trust, and our abundance, and prosperity, and self love.

But, we don’t.

So, what does worthiness look like that gets truly rewarded by Life? 

It looks like doing the work of healing, learning to live in harmony, learning to live in values alignment, and integrity, taking personal responsibility, and recognizing your full power as a creator of Life itself.

Whew …

And, so, here we are.

At the precipice of the next level … 

Something big is coming.

Personal Family Lawyer has lived in my vision since 2007 when I enrolled the first 13 lawyers into my dream of a new way of serving families with a heart-centered counseling methodology for making a lifetime of wise legal and financial decisions.

Since then, I tried to walk away from it a number of times, questioning it’s value, questioning if what I was doing was truly important, questioning if I really could create the vision of a Personal Family Lawyer in every neighborhood.

Well, Life has had my back, and the back of Personal Family Lawyer all these years, and wouldn’t let me let it go. 

Instead, I was repeatedly invited to dig deeper, look more closely, and discover the truth of what it meant to be a lawyer helping people look at incapacity, and death, and make eyes wide open legal and financial decisions.

What I discovered is that inheritance and legacy and estate planning … when truly understood, are a gateway to awakening, healing and the cultural shift I think so many of us have been craving for our lifetimes.

And, now, Personal Family Lawyer takes its next big step into the world. 

In the next couple of weeks, our new brand and website will finally launch. 

And with it, a refocus on introducing you to the lawyers who stand behind the promise of what it means to be a lawyer who truly has the back of her clients.

Personal Family Lawyer is based on a win/win business model that gives you the assurance of knowing your lawyer is helping you make the very best legal and financial decisions for yourself and your family — not just based on what’s best for your lawyer financially, but what’s actually best for you and the people you love.

I so look forward to sharing more about it with you. If you are a lawyer, join us on September 15th, for a live masterclass with me, where I’ll share more. If you are not a lawyer, stay tuned, much more to come.

To your eyes (and heart) wide open life.


“Expression is scary. Speaking my truth isn’t always safe. Maybe I’m too much?”

I have felt these things time and time again. I bet you have too. This is why I’m inviting you to be a part of my dear sister/friend @IsablellaBraveheart’s FREE 5-day online challenge called SPEAK.  

Isabella does not do fluff. Life is raw, intense and unpredictable. So is @IsabellaBraveheart. Join us in the deep end – and SPEAK!

 Isabella will be hosting live daily Zoom calls with a juicy lineup of storytellers, artists, speakers and expressionists, including yours truly, to help you explore and embody YOUR expression more deeply. 

I will be speaking about  “The Power of Witnessing”  in one of many of Isabella’s FREE calls during the challenge and YOU are personally invited to join us. 

We kick off the SPEAK challenge on September 19th

Join us here—»

SPEAK challenge
Toward Aware and No-Harm Investing

Do you wish you understood how you could invest in ways that supports the future you want to see? We do! Toward Aware and No-Harm  Investing is an on-line course for individual investors offered by Marco Vangelisti starting October 3rd, 2022, and if you’ve got money in the stock market, I recommend you attend.

You can join here. Select TANHI Course and Use code NLBM to take 10% off your investment. 

If you’re a lawyer who would like to love your life and law practice again, tune in for this event:

Discover Personal Family Lawyer®

Discover Personal Family Lawyer®

September 15th at 12pm ET/ 9am PT

Why did you decide to become a lawyer? To make a difference? To get paid well? To do something meaningful with your degree? 

But that’s not your current reality, is it?

Maybe you’re stuck on a treadmill of meaningless transactional paperwork or tied up in court, constantly caught up in conflict. Your schedule is not your own, and you’re always on call day in and day out—and even at night. Plus, when you’re not putting out fires for clients, you’re at the mercy of the court. And it’s starting to become unbearable. 

On top of being overworked and burnt out, maybe you can’t sleep at night because you don’t know where your next client is coming from. And just as frustrating, the clients you do have don’t appreciate you. They leave you constantly chasing invoices, and that’s if they even pay you at all.

This is far from the dream you envisioned when you decided to go to law school.

Right now, you may think the whole law school thing was a mistake. You’re fed up with practicing law, and you may have even found yourself searching “leaving the law” more times than you care to admit. If you don’t make a change soon, the stress will affect your family life, your health, and your income — if not already.

But what if you could love practicing law?

What if you could start a practice that allowed you to have the income you need while maintaining full control of your schedule and enjoying a sense of purpose? What if your clients appreciated you so much they paid you $4,000, $5,000, or even $6,000 to work with you, and on top of your fees, they sent you gifts of their appreciation?

This is not a dream I’m describing. It’s the life I created for myself, and I’ve since taught thousands of other lawyers how to create their own versions of a life and law practice they love.

I’ll be sharing all the details on how you can do it too at our upcoming Masterclass: Discover Personal Family Lawyer® on Thursday, September 15th at 12 p.m. ET.

During the Masterclass, I’ll share what you need to do to create a law practice you love that meets your unique income and lifestyle goals, as a Personal Family Lawyer.

Register here to join us!

Quick Links:

I’d love for us to stay connected! When you connect with me on social media you will be able to be even more in the know about upcoming events and registration details.

Watch the Replay: How to Use Free Marketing to Consistently Attract More Law Practice Clients

Follow Ali on Instagram to keep up with her journey 📱

Follow New Law Business Model on Instagram for Law Practice Pivots📈

Join the Lifestyle Lawyer’s Club Facebook Group of 5k lawyers like you⚖️

Subscribe to receive The Entrepreneurial Lawyer newsletter to your inbox 2x a month📩

Not a Lawyer? Click here to join Eyes Wide Open Membership today🤝

Two big learnings from my week on the river

I’m just back from a week of rafting on the Salmon River in Idaho with 20 women business leaders + 5 boat women/guides.

Pictures to come, but for today, I want to share w you the two biggest learnings I experienced from and on the river, while they are fresh in my heart and soul.

My biggest learning so far was that a digital detox really is crucial to mental health and well-being. 

I slept 7-9 hours a night, and rested my brain as I let myself be led by the boatwomen there to guide us. As a result, I am able to show up for all the challenges of life and business with so much more equanimity.

Perhaps that’s a “duh!” but for me I needed to experience the benefits for myself to have it land in my body that way, and my guess is that if you aren’t regularly detoxing from the digital, you may want to give it a try.

The challenge is how to create the conditions for a digital detox. There are so many reasons to not do it, and they are all extremely compelling.

  • Not enough time.
  • Not enough money.
  • What would I do during a digital detox?
  • My kids need me.
  • My team needs me.
  • My clients need me.
  • I’m too old.
  • I’m too out of shape.
  • I’m too disabled.

Every single woman on the trip could have claimed at least one of those reasons.

There was a woman who came on the trip with $1200 left in her bank account. There was a woman who could barely walk due to an injury that’s left her fairly disabled for the last several years. There was a woman who is juggling multiple businesses, massive and fast business growth, and young children. There was a woman who pushed out her launch to be there.

Then there was me, navigating a huge turn of the wheel that can lead to a major upward spiral, or a slide back down to revisit some past lessons that are getting another chance to be lived again, but this time differently. Yes, that’s a big cryptic, but it’s all quite delicate and I’m in the midst of it, so I can’t say more quite yet.

Here’s what I can say: every single one of us is better off for having made the choice to be there. 

And, if she can do it, you can do it.

That’s lesson #2 — and it’s not a new lesson, as it’s a mantra that’s consistently guided me throughout my life as a businesswoman, since the very beginning.

My first $25k/month as a brand new law practice owner, a mom of two little one’s at home, and no idea what I was doing when it came to business — it happened because I knew another woman, a mom like me, who had left BigLaw started her own estate planning practice, and was doing $25k months.

If she could do it, I could do it.

Most of what I’ve done (not all, but most) has been as a result of seeing someone else go first. 

And, if she can do it, I can do it.

So can you.

Whether it’s a digital detox, or a 7-figure business, or leaving your job to start your own thing, or buying your own homestead … if she can do it, you can do it. And, that goes for you whether you are a he, she or a ze. 

If they can, you can.

So, today, I leave you with the eyes wide open question … how can you get yourself a digital detox this month? Even if just for one day? Better if it’s a weekend, and even better if it’s a week.

And, during that detox, what do you want to dream into that you see someone else out there doing … take inventory, begin to make a list of all the people you watch online who are doing what you want to do. 

If you aren’t sure who to put on your list, consider whose social media you are always checking out. Or, if you can’t quite tell by that … you’ll know they are candidates for your “if s/he can, I can” list if you feel any amount of jealousy or judgment toward them at all, and yet you still track their activities in various ways.

Pay attention to who and what you pay attention to over the next couple of weeks, write their names down in a journal, and take them into your digital detox this month to see what they may reveal to you about your next steps.

And, until then … if you track me and my goings on as a model of if she can do it, I can do it, I’ve got some events for you to dive into in the coming weeks. 

The more you can immerse yourself in my free offerings of support, the more you’ll be able to imagine yourself stepping into your next level goals, and just keep remembering, if I can do it, so can you. I’ve got a little something for everyone this month — business leaders, lawyers and moms and dads. Check it all out down below.

To your eyes (and heart) wide open life,

Ali Katz


Now is OUR TIME to model a new paradigm of leadership. 

To expand our capacities to feel EXQUISITE as we lead our teams and grow our businesses.

Amanda was integral in the growth of Orange Theory

I am deeply honored to be a part of this very unique experience. Join us!  Register here to join live, or if you can’t make it live, to receive the recordings  >>

For the lawyers I love, here’s what I’ve got for you … 

8/4: Myself and Personal Family Lawyer Drew Bushman LIVE

2:30pm ET/11:30am PT

Tune in to hear from Drew Bushman as he shares what it’s like to escape the ‘feast or famine’ crisis many lawyers face, and to create predictable income from a law practice you love. Drew will give you his best tips that have led him to be happier at work, more fulfilled, and a better dad.

Join the Lifestyle Lawyer’s Facebook group that I run so you have access to this livestream and more to come this month! Use this link to join the Facebook group, and you can join us for the Live or catch the recording:

8/10: 3 Time Management Strategies for Consistent Law Practice Growth

1:00pm ET/10:00am PT

If you missed Kim Rockwood’s popular Time Management workshop in July, that’s okay because we’re bringing it back for you in mid-August! Learn the same strategies Kim Rockwood used to reclaim control of her time and grow her law practice in 1 year from making only $500/mo to consistently generating over $40,000/mo. 

Register here and either join Kim live, or get the recording.

For the mamas and papas in the house …

The Wellness Mama Podcast

It was an honor to speak on the Wellness Mama podcast Episode 568 starting at timestamp 4 minutes and 20 seconds in, if you want to get right to it because you are busy AF. 

In this episode, Katie Wells, the Wellness Mama, and I cover: 

  • The important things to think about from legal and financial perspectives, especially when you have kids!
  • Why it is so important to name guardians for your kids in case something happens and how to do it the right way; 
  • Important steps to put in place when figuring out guardianship and financial assets for your kids; 
  • What to know about life insurance and who to name as beneficiary (hint: not your kids); 
  • The importance of a revocable living trust for your kids; 
  • Why not to rely on social security for retirement, 

And, a whole lot more …

And if you’re a lawyer, this episode is chock-full of guidance you can pass on to the clients you love and serve.

Listen here:

Quick Links:

I’d love for us to stay connected! When you connect with me on social media you will be able to be even more in the know about upcoming events and registration details.

Watch the Replay: How to Use Free Marketing to Consistently Attract More Law Practice Clients

Follow Ali on Instagram to keep up with her journey 📱

Follow New Law Business Model on Instagram for Law Practice Pivots📈

Join the Lifestyle Lawyer’s Club Facebook Group of 5k lawyers like you⚖️

Subscribe to receive The Entrepreneurial Lawyer newsletter to your inbox 2x a month📩

Not a Lawyer? Click here to join Eyes Wide Open Membership today🤝

What Does It Really Mean to Be Free?

I’m shutting down the computer for the next week, as I’ll be floating down the Salmon River in a raft, listening to the Mother, learning from the flow of the water, and the whispers of the forest.

To me, this is what it means to truly be free. To have the privilege and the luxury to strip down to the minimum and remember how very little I actually need is everything. 

I am grateful for my willingness to say yes to this, as it would have been so easy to persuade myself that this is not the right time.

We’re in the final stretch of a 2-year process to reorganize New Law Business Model, relaunch the Personal Family Lawyer® brand, and so close to finishing a new edition of my best-selling book on legal planning for families, Wear Clean Underwear

And in these last moments before we reveal it all, everything not in alignment is coming up to be met. 

That’s what makes it even more important for me to make the time and space to listen now.

One of my superpowers throughout my life has been that spirit speaks to me, and I follow the guidance I receive.

In the past, I’ve had to get into a crisis reality to invoke and heed the call … like when I was in the midst of my divorce, or nearly losing my daughter to drugs, or in the darkest days of my dark night. But now I’m learning to listen before it gets so dire.

I hope this inspires you to do the same.

I would love to share this little bit of inspiration with you about freedom with your resources, from one of my last group coaching calls in the LIFT membershipRemember you don’t have to be forced into surrender. You can choose it right now. How? Get out into the wild. Remember how little you need. Free yourself from the idea that you need Amazon overnight delivery, microwave meals, and TV. 

Sometimes freedom looks like adding people to your team so that you CAN have the freedom to create experiences in your life while also having the security of knowing that things are still operating and getting done in your absence. 

Before I go and FULLY experience my freedom on the river, I wanted to introduce to you the newest member of the EWO team, Renee Honrada. I met Renee through another online community that she supports called the CREATE community, and I knew I wanted her here to support EWO and all of you. If you’re part of either one of my Facebook communities you might have seen that she has been posting already and helping to support those Facebook groups. Renée will also be attending all of the EWO live calls and supporting there as well. 

It brings me peace to know that this community has people in place, like Renee, who are excited about connecting and providing an elevated experience of this ecosystem. 

Freedom comes in many forms, you just have to be ready to receive it, and trust that you will be met with the support you need. 


See you next week. 



If you’re a lawyer, save the dates for these upcoming events…

8/4: Personal Family Lawyer Drew Bushman LIVE

2:30pm ET/11:30am PT

Tune in to hear from Drew Bushman as he shares what it’s like to escape the ‘feast or famine’ crisis many lawyers face, and to create predictable income from a law practice you love. Drew will give you his best tips that have led him to be happier at work, more fulfilled, and a better dad.

8/17: Personal Family Lawyer Ariane Sims LIVE

4:00pm ET/ 1:00pm PT

Ariane Sims will be sharing her story about rediscovering herself, diving into estate planning, and finding community. If you’ve considered leaving the law because you haven’t found a job that feels like you yet, make sure to be there LIVE with us so you can connect!

How to Attend Our LIVE Events on 8/4 and 8/17

***To ensure you get access to these LIVE events, make sure you’re in the New Law Business Model Facebook Group for lawyers! No purchase necessary, just come enjoy being connected with 5k lawyers sharing resources, advice, and a feeling of community.

And, if you weren’t able to be there live last week, I have a valuable replay for you:

There comes a time when you want to use paid marketing, but before you ever use paid marketing, you want to get your free marketing working. If you have free marketing working, you can later use paid marketing to scale and grow. 

This past week I hosted Personal Family Lawyers Will Stafford and Deirdre O’Connell and the information we shared will help you reach the next level. Use this link here to access the recording so you can implement free marketing strategies that will consistently attract more law practice clients.

Quick Links:

I’d love for us to stay connected! Follow the links below to engage in ways that are meaningful to you.

Follow Ali on Instagram to keep up with her journey 📱

Follow New Law Business Model on Instagram for Law Practice Pivots📈

Join the Lifestyle Lawyer’s Club Facebook Group of 5k lawyers like you⚖️

Subscribe to receive The Entrepreneurial Lawyer newsletter to your inbox 2x a month📩

Not a Lawyer? Click here to join Eyes Wide Open Membership today🤝

Read this especially if you aren’t motivated by money

Whether we like it or not, money is the most powerful motivator of humans in our universe. To deny it means we cannot change it. To accept it, means we can work with it and use it for the good we are here to create in the world, and to become the best possible humans we can be.

Now to be clear, money as a powerful motivator does not have to be a bad thing. I’ve done a lot of things motivated by money that were good, and that I would not have done otherwise.

For example, I’ve lived with my ex-husband, my kids’ father (his name is Todd), for almost all of the 17 years since our divorce in 2005 and co-parented our kids in closer relation than we probably would have if we had unlimited resources. Now, looking back, I am so glad that we were “forced” by our financial reality to do what we would not have otherwise chosen to do. 

We had to find a way to make it work, so we did. And we both grew into the best versions of ourselves, as a result.

But, if money hadn’t been an issue, we would have just avoided it all.

So, if we accept money as a powerful motivator, then what? How do we get into right relationship with money, especially if we do not believe we are motivated by money?

I believe it begins with understanding the way that money motivates us, is used to control us, and how we can break free of the power and greed hooks embedded into money and our financial system, so that we can take back our power, and remember who we are, why we are here, and what is ours to do.

I recorded a Facebook Live this week about Life Purpose + Inheritance that you might want to watch, if you are interested in such things.

The secret to breaking free is to really understand what is enough, and how easily you can create it in your own life, when you see how little you really need.

And, I am by no means saying you should not have what you want or desire. I love the bougie AF life. And, I’m not trapped by it.

If I need to live in my van down by the river, I can. I don’t need much, and I sure do want a lot, and my Desire is insatiable. I’m in right relationship with each of the levels. And I want you to be too, so that you deny none of it, and own all of it. This is where your power resides.

It’s the artificial scarcity of our money system tied with a belief that we need more than we really do that keeps us on the hamster wheel, and then makes this hope, dream and possibility of the airdrop of a million dollars (or as my most recent text scammer promised me, a share of the $78M Powerball winnings) SEEM like the ticket to freedom. 

That’s the lie that keeps us all trapped.

Let’s stop.

Know what enough is for you, and how little you actually need. Know what you truly want. And acknowledge the truth of your likely insatiable Desire.

Stop pretending that money isn’t motivating you, and get into right relationship with money as the most powerful motivator in the universe so we can use that motivation to motivate the good we desire to see in ourselves, and across the planet.

It starts with enough.

If you need support getting clear on what enough is for you, I created a course that will be really helpful for you. You can get it for just $111 here

On another note, and speaking of Enough … I’m going to remember how very little I really need by spending a week outdoors, in the arms of Mother Nature, on the River … to re-wild myself. I’ll be back with my learnings the first week of August.

To your eyes (and heart) wide open life,


While Ali’s away, if you’re a lawyer, we’ve got two resources for you that you are going to want to check out (and, honestly, they are really great whether you are a lawyer or not, if you are building a professional services business of any kind) … 

Watch as Kim Rockwood shares the time management strategies that allowed her to build her law practice to $40k/mo as a Personal Family Lawyer before she retired from her practice to come teach lawyers with us at New Law Business Model.

You can watch here.

3 Time Management Strategies For Consistent Law Practice Growth

Then, after that, you may want to get the replay of the Ali Live that Ali hosted for her lawyer community yesterday, it was sooo good! It was on How to Use Free Marketing to Attract More Clients. Yes, it’s about law practice clients, but again really applicable to any professional services business.

Register to get the recording here.

How to Use Free Marketing to Consistently Attract More Law Practice Clients​

I almost let this one get away …

I’m writing to you today from Tennessee where I’m staying in an extraordinary home with 25 of the most powerful, lit, grounded, feminine leaders I know. Some of these women have been instrumental in my becoming of the woman I am today. And, it has not always been easy for me to be with them. When I first came into relationship with them ten or so years ago, I was insecure, wounded, traumatized from my high school mean girl experiences, and did not trust that these women would love me.

But, they did. Oh how they loved me. They loved me right into the becoming of my woman, fully self-expressed, claiming all my parts, and today able to stand in the knowing of who I am, why I’m here, and what is mine to do.

I’ll be sharing more with you about them and my journey here at the event called Permission, as the week unfolds. Watch my Insta stories to follow my journey at Permission.

For now, though … I want to tell you about this one woman, Myka.

Ali Katz with Myka
When I first met her, she unknowingly provoked all of my jealousy, competitiveness and mean girl trauma.

I had been horribly hurt by the girls in high school when my sexuality began to come online in ways that were not safe for them, or for me.

I flirted with their boyfriends, not understanding the impact.

The girls responded by making sure everyone knew what a slut I was, and that I wasn’t welcome, well, anywhere.

I decided girls weren’t safe and carried that belief into my adult life.

And when I met Myka, I was quite sure she wasn’t safe. Nope, not at all.

So freaking smart. So very pretty. Entrepreneurial. And way cooler than me, for sure.

So I kept my distance.

Until I couldn’t anymore. She was just too compelling, and I had finally grown up enough to own my fear and my desire.

So I called her and told her.

“I feel competitive with you. I’m jealous. And scared. And, I want more closeness and connection with you.”

Maybe that was when we fell in love. Or at least I did.

She received me with grace, openness and appreciation, and we’ve been on the journey of life together ever since.

Now, so many years later, we are off to dive even deeper into the container of Permission together.

And next week Myka is hosting me for the WINC ~ Women In Community series “Summer of Abundance”, a free three-part speaker series for women entrepreneurs.

And, while Myka wants me there to talk about contracts and legal agreements, it’s going to be the juiciest conversation about legal stuff that you’ve ever heard … we’re going into the field of what it really means to be abundant, how your agreements (or lack thereof) impact your abundance, and how to find your way to the richest, most generous life, even in the face of the greatest tests and challenges.

Register for the Summer of Abundance Series here now

Join us, meet Myka, and get a whole new look at abundance, agreements, and how women can support each other in feminine leadership, so we can all grow together.

To our eyes (and heart) wide open life,

Ali Katz

And, if you are a lawyer, don’t miss these upcoming events just for you …

Don’t Miss this Masterclass:

July 13 at 12PM ET/9AM PT

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “time is not on your side.” Time can be a tricky thing because unless you DO strategically manage it, it sneaks away from you.

At New Law Business Model, I’ve had the honor of helping Kim Rockwood explode the growth of her law practice by using time management and time blocking as her secret weapon. And now, she wants to share her success with you. In her upcoming workshop, Kim will walk you through the steps she took to take her practice from $500/month to $40k/month in less than one year. 

Tune in LIVE for 3 Time Management Strategies for Consistent Law Practice Growth on Wednesday July 13th at 12 pm ET / 9 am PT.

You will leave with actionable tools and strategies to manage your time so you can focus on what you love most, helping people through practicing law. 

For attending live, we’ll be giving you our value-packed template “The Money Map Time Blocking Template” which is the exact formula Kim used to map out her growth plan.

This is one event you can’t afford to miss!

Register to attend here:

And SAVE THE DATE FOR THIS ONE … registration link coming soon.

My Next Ali Live:

How to Use Free Marketing to Consistently Attract More Law Practice Clients

July 20 at 12PM ET/9AM PT

Free marketing means getting in front of as many people as you need to in order to hit your financial goals for your practice, for free… not with paid ads or direct mail or hosting paid events, but for free.

There does come a time when you want to use paid marketing, but before you ever use paid marketing, you want to get your free marketing working. If you have free marketing working, you can later use paid marketing to scale and grow.

When you attend my LIVE you’re going to learn more about how to leverage strategies like:

  • Organic Social Media posts that result in inquiries to your practice
  • Posts in relevant groups asking curiosity questions
  • Networking
  • BNI
  • Speaking to affinity groups

You’re also going to learn what you need to have in place so your free marketing doesn’t become time-expensive. I’ll give you the truth about:

  • Lead magnets/giveaways
  • Newsletters
  • High value, high converting offers
  • Loving the service you deliver

If you’re looking to reach the next level, be there LIVE with me and Personal Family Lawyers Will Stafford and Deirdre O’Connell as we help you dive into how to use free marketing to consistently attract more law practice clients.

Register for Kim’s Time-Saving Strategies Masterclass Here: 3 Time Management Strategies For Consistent Law Practice Growth and Save the Date for my Free Marketing Workshop on 7/20. If you can’t make it live, register to get the recording.

Quick Links:

I’d love for us to stay connected! Follow the links below to engage in ways that are meaningful to you.

Follow Ali on Instagram to keep up with her journey 📱

Follow New Law Business Model on Instagram for Law Practice Pivots📈

Join the Lifestyle Lawyer’s Club Facebook Group of 5k lawyers like you⚖️

Subscribe to receive The Entrepreneurial Lawyer newsletter to your inbox 2x a month📩

Not a Lawyer? Click here to join Eyes Wide Open Membership today🤝