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ceremony & ritual

The Surprising Gift
Of Money Problems

Yesterday, I spoke to a friend who is going to be filing bankruptcy this year due to the ramifications of Covid on his brick and mortar business in the Bay area. I wish we would have talked 2 years ago, as I probably could have consulted him in ways that could have kept this from happening, but here we are. 

And, I do trust that he had to get to this place to find the gift of these problems. 

After talking with my friend for about 30 minutes, and hearing the full story of what has occurred, I was able to see that there is actually a massive gift and opportunity for him here. I’ll share more about that in a moment because first I need to invite you to get support from me so I can stop feeling the pain and frustration of friends reaching out for support only once they get to a crisis point.

If you are not getting support with financial decisions for your life and business, please consider joining my membership — it’s the most affordable and effective way I can support you before you find yourself in crisis.

Yes, crisis can be helpful in that it forces us to get the support that we wouldn’t otherwise, or make the change that we wouldn’t otherwise, but you can also make a change before crisis.

And, why not do it the easier way? The people in my membership get support from me consistently, and it makes a huge difference in their lives.

More and more, especially with the crypto market crash, I am talking with friends who are experiencing significant money problems at the moment — loss of almost all of their savings, facing bankruptcy, no cash flow, and I remember being here myself ten years ago … it’s scary AF.

In contrast, the people in my membership … thriving businesses, plenty of cash flow, high credit scores, healing with their parents, access to credit, using it wisely, etc.

So, that’s my pitch for you getting my support before you are facing crazy ass money problems that we can avoid if you get support before it’s too late. You can join the membership here.

Okay, so what’s the gift for this friend who is now facing bankruptcy? 

He has the opportunity to heal a major generational trauma around money. The bankruptcy is just the current reality of his life, and he’s going to get through and to the other side of it just fine (though it may not feel that way to him at the moment), but the real opportunity here is to see what it’s triggering in his family dynamics and discover the gift in this crisis.

After a few minutes of curiosity with my friend, here’s what I discovered.

As you can imagine, his parents are freaked out by the fact that their only son is such a screw up that he’s ended up in bankruptcy.

But, what his parents are really freaked out about is that they know they didn’t do a great job of parenting him, and secretly (though they do not know how to own or admit it) believe that his screw ups that have resulted in his bankruptcy must be their fault.

His parents are professionals who worked incredibly hard throughout their own lives, saved millions of dollars, and now at the end of their lives are still worried about running out of money, and not having enough.

And, here is their only son, the one they thought they would be able to count on to take care of them, who is failing.

Here’s the thing though: he isn’t failing. He’s just at a moment in time of crisis. He’s only mid-way through his life and has many more years of learning and growth, and is going to come out the other side of this financial crisis better than ever, IF he can find the gift in the crisis.

That’s how it was for me.

As you likely know, I filed bankruptcy ten years ago.

I thought for sure I had ruined my life, would never recover from it, and might as well resign myself to living on the farm and never creating anything more impactful than a garden to feed my family. I did love growing that garden. But it turns out the bankruptcy would lead me to far more impact, in far more alignment, and far more healing with my family — my ex-husband, my mom, and my own conflicted inner family parts — than I understood at the time.

My financial crisis turned out to be the biggest gift of my life.

I healed generational trauma that has moved my family from an inheritance of scarcity and fear around money to a reality of abundance and flow and mostly good financial decisions.

I say mostly good financial decisions because we sometimes still make mistakes — ie, we should have left my mom’s retirement account in the market for a greater run up in 2020/2021, but we decided to take it out to preserve what was there, and lost some ground. It was a calculated decision though, made in conjunction between me, my sister and my mom — and that right there is revolutionary. 

And, on the flip side, we did get my mom into a condo just before rates rose with a 30-year locked in mortgage at 3.75%, so we’re feeling pretty great about our financial choices overall.

The revolutionary part here is that today, my mom, my sister and I make all financial decisions together seeing our collective resources as “family wealth” rather than leaving my mom to make financial decisions on her own, not trusting us to know what she has or to support her through the rest of her years.

Our parents need us now more than ever. And, we need them.

This idea of inheritance and legacy as something that happens after they die, or after we die, is BS. 

Inheritance and legacy happens now, by the choices we make today.

And the gift of your money problems right now (or your parent’s money problems) might just be the opportunity to heal generations of money trauma and scarcity that is ready to be healed through you and your parents right now.

Generational healing was the gift of my money problems. And, it can be a gift of yours too, if you let it, don’t resist what Life is trying to do through you, and see the bigger picture of what Life wants from and with you.

In the case of my friend, it’s more communication and connection with his parents … the last thing in the world he thought he wanted.

For my friend, it’s the opportunity to stand-up in himself and meet and heal all the parts that have been controlled by his parents, judged by his parents, and that can either lead him into collapse or a new standard of dignity for himself by coming to fully accept his parents as they are, find the place where they are scared, and meet them in it with loving compassion for their fear of his failure.

Ultimately, his parents will die. And he will inherit their money. But, in this moment, he has the opportunity to inherit so much more, and if he handles this moment well, what he will inherit and pass on is a legacy of true love and healing around money.

Just last night, I learned of the term “transitional character” coined by Carlfred Broderick: the one who in the course of a single generation changes the entire course of a lineage. We each have the opportunity to be transitional characters in our families right now, and the gift of our money problems is that they are the fertile soil for us to end the cycle and break the mold of how our ancestors handled their survival-based fear around scarcity.

We are the ones to make this change. Thank you for learning to live with your eyes (and heart) wide open.

With so much love,

Ali Katz

Hit reply and let me know how this touched you, if you would love to hear more about generational healing around money, and I’ll make this a consistent theme of my newsletters. And maybe even do some interviews that can help you see more of what I mean here, and where you might find the healing through your own crisis.

For Now: Watch My Interview With Personal Family Lawyer David Feakes and Learn How to Build Your Business Through a Recession

How to Build Your Law Practice in a Recession or Depression

It was an honor to host guest speaker David Feakes (one of my longest Personal Family Lawyer members — joined me in 2008!) on what was meant to be a Facebook LIVE this week, but turned into a video that you can watch now here without going on Facebook — thank you technical difficulties.

I wanted to get this interview with David out to you because David joined me and became a Personal Family Lawyer in 2008, during the last recession.

And, what he shares is valuable for all business owners (or those who want to become business owners) and might be scared about the coming economic shifts. 

David started from scratch, all on his own and transformed his legal career. Just like you can today, starting from wherever you are now. Set aside 30 minutes to watch the replay where we dig into the law practice pivots you need to be making right now to build something sustainable.

Watch Here

A big thing happened …

I’m writing to you today from Carbondale where I am decompressing from a very intimate, private event I hosted this past weekend as a prototype/test run for the future.

You didn’t hear about it because it was pretty much a secret, only shared with people extremely close to me in the Boulder/Denver area. 

48 people. At Beyul Retreat near Aspen. A test run for the future. Intimacy and vulnerability. I needed to do this before I could do a paid version. 

Many who attended said it was the single most transformational experience of their lives. And that’s no small thing given that everyone who attended has been “doing the work” for years already.

So, now I sit with what’s next.

Am I ready to bring people who have not been doing transformational work for years into this level of intimacy and vulnerability and commitment?

Am I ready to put this level of time, energy and attention into hosting live events?

Do I truly desire it?

Does it fuel me as much as it does everyone who attends?

I’ll be sitting with that question over the next week.

And, if you truly desire to get live, intimate and vulnerable with me, in service to the next level of your soul’s calling, hit reply and let me know because feeling your desire helps me to feel more of my desire.

Commitment is the fuel for everything, and desire is the fuel for commitment.

I began to really understand this at another level during my wedding in February.

With our commitment driving, anything is possible.

More on that to come … 

For now, though, it’s time to head back to Boulder, and begin the next stage of the process of discovery through the heart of my own commitment.

Before I go though, here are two resources for you:

If you are in the process of making a transition from your 1:1 service into the 1 to many to expand your reach, watch me coach/consult with one of our Eyes Wide Open members guiding her to her next step.

And, if you are a lawyer, join me later today with Ryan Levesque, founder of the Ask Method, and the best business guy I know to talk about quizzes, specifically for lawyers. This is going to be a good one. 

Register here:

See Ali Coach:

Lawyers - THIS IS TODAY!


How to Get More Law Clients Using Quiz Funnel Marketing

June 24, 2022 at 6pm ET/3pm PT

People LOVE taking quizzes. 

From Buzzfeed quizzes about what type of cheese you are, to more “serious” assessments like the Kolbe and Strengthsfinder… 

Quizzes and assessments give us insight into our strengths and weaknesses (and what Hogwarts house we should be in)…

And as we move into the new Web 3.0 Future, where Zero-Party data is more important than ever, quizzes are THE strategy to build trust while scaling your business, allowing you to: 

CUT your advertising costs by 30-90%…

DOUBLE or even TRIPLE your conversion rate…

And get results 5 to 25 times FASTER.

My friend Ryan Levesque, Inc. 5000 Founder & CEO of the ASK Method Company and, is the expert when it comes to building quizzes. 

Ryan Levesque and I have a special Masterclass for you lawyers on June 24th at 6pm ET: How to Get More Law Clients Using Quiz Funnel Marketing

Ryan will be revealing:

  • WHAT is a QUIZ Funnel?
  • The 5 Reasons WHY Quizzes work so well
  • HOW to use QUIZ Funnels to grow your law practice
  • And the 3 most common mistakes and how to avoid them when building your quiz funnel

I highly encourage you to make the time to attend this important event, which we’ve created specifically to help you prepare for the economic changes that are already upon us.

If you want to be in position to not only survive but thrive during this next big economic shift, you have to get smarter.

And, you have to operate very differently from all the other lawyers out there.

And that’s exactly what Ryan and I are here to help with. We’ve got solutions for you … and we’re going to keep bringing you our very best to support you through these wild times.

Register here:

I’ll see you there!

Freaking Out About Crypto or the Market?

It makes sense if you are worried, and worry won’t put you in the position you need to be in to not only survive the economic shifts, but to thrive throughout the changes.

Me telling to stop worrying isn’t the answer either, so instead what I’d like to do is support you to take that worry and convert it into the energy that will direct your attention to where it needs to go — with your eyes wide open.

Yes, the economy is changing. We can all see it. 

And, as a result of these changes, some will thrive, others won’t.

You can be on the side of thriving.

But to do that, you really need to not freak out, and convert the worry into right focused energy and action.

It’s time to reclaim your most valuable resources — time, energy, and attention — and put them where it matters most right now.

You must take back what you’ve been freely given away. 

Your time, energy and attention are everything. 

I know in a world of overnight Amazon shipments (or even same day) and Netflix, the big companies have led you to believe your time, energy and attention aren’t worth much.

Consume, consume, consume …. gobble, gobble, gobble.

But, you aren’t a turkey. You are a human being with a massive ability to create in the world.

If you reclaim your time, energy and attention.

Your worry about money or your focus on losses or past failures is costing you way too much. 

You can always make more money. Especially if you learn from the past.

And, as you can see during these inflationary times, money is becoming less and less valuable. 

And, yes, you’ll need more and more money to enjoy the same lifestyle you have in the past, but you won’t be able to get more and more of it by keeping your thinking, and your use of time, energy and attention the way you have in the past.

So, how do you get more and more of this infinite, fungible, made up thing that we’ve put so much energy into? 

Is it by constantly putting your attention on how you can save as much as possible with the hopes of earning money on your money on your money and one day having enough?!

NO, that’s exactly what got us into this predicament we are collectively in right now.

Now is the moment for us to get into right relationship with our resources, individually and collectively.

Watch this video clip from last week’s Eyes Wide Open: the Membership call to see where you can put your time, energy, attention and money to thrive ever more during this changing economic reality.

Remember: people get wealthy every time the economy changes. Most don’t. But some do. And, you can absolutely be part of the group of people who do.

Economic changes have the impact of sorting the wheat from the chaff … filtering out those who have been skating, coasting, riding the waves of ease and those who are working smarter, not harder, in true service, making a real difference and making smarter investments rather than trying to get rich quick and profit off of a broken system.

If you want to be in position to get truly wealthy during this next big economic shift, you’re in the right place.

I’m going to help you do that, eyes wide open style.

Yes, you may need to change your ideas of what true wealth is — don’t worry, I’ll be helping you do just that.

And, yes, you are likely going to have to operate very differently than you have in the past. 

I’m here for it. I’ve invested the past 12 years preparing for this exact moment, so I could support you through it.

You aren’t alone. I’ve got your back. We’re going to thrive together.

Eyes Wide Open …



Upcoming Events:


Thursday June 16, 2022 at 6:30PM ET/3:30PM PT

If family matters to you, you’ll want to be there to hear Pam and I give you our best tips on how to have it all this summer. Pam will be sharing lessons learned from taking maternity leave while running a firm. Don’t miss this!

Mark yourself as “GOING” here:



June 13-18, 2022

One of the best business owners I’ve ever met, Ryan Levesque, is putting on an insightful workshop that you’ll want to be at this week. When you follow the link here, you’ll be able to watch a 3 minute video to check out what he’s training you on during the LIVE sessions. 

If your business feels stagnant and you want to change its trajectory…you want to start serving people really well… then you need to find out how to make a great Quiz Funnel. Ryan will show you how to get more people landing on your website and how to use quizzes to build trust with your ideal clients online. Live Q&A is included as well as access to an abundance of resources such as Quiz Funnel Templates and a Step-by-Step Quiz Funnel Blueprint. I can’t wait to catch more of the sessions this week!

The workshop is FREE for you when you use my $100 OFF Coupon Code: NLBM.

Reserve your seat here:



Tuesday June 21, 2022 at 12PM ET/9AM PT

Have you ever wondered if maybe you are too pushy or if people don’t like you or if you are being understood when attempting to talk about your services? If so, you want to join us for this Art of Conscious Communication Workshop with New Law Business Model Lead Coach, Allison Osborn.  

The Conscious Communication Workshop will give you the 4 parts of how to go from being a transactional lawyer, or litigation oriented interrogator to being seen as a professional that your referral sources, prospects and clients LOVE to talk with, and work with and refer to everyone they know. 

We’ve repeatedly heard from the lawyers who have learned these 4 parts of conscious communication in our C4 program that it doesn’t just make their law practices better, but it turns them into better parents, partners, and friends too. 

Will we see you there?

Register today to attend:

Quick Links:

I’d love for us to stay connected! Follow the links below to engage in ways that are meaningful to you.

Follow Ali on Instagram to keep up with her journey 📱

Follow New Law Business Model on Instagram for Law Practice Pivots📈

Join the Lifestyle Lawyer’s Club Facebook Group of 5k lawyers like you⚖️

Subscribe to receive The Entrepreneurial Lawyer newsletter to your inbox 2x a month📩

Not a Lawyer? Click here to join Eyes Wide Open Membership today🤝

Open loops, the gifts of C*vid + the MAGIC of ceremony & ritual

As you read last time I wrote, the Vid finally got me, and in some ways at the worst time possible. My entire executive team flew to Boulder to meet in person, and I had a big video shoot planned to upgrade our curriculum.


On top of that, my business partner’s wife also got Covid at the exact same time. So, now, neither of us would be attending the in-person offsite.

And one of our key team members in Boulder also got Covid, so we ended up reshuffling everything so our out of town team could all meet together in a local hotel conference room, and the three Boulder team members would Zoom in …


The good news was that I got to see and feel how adaptable we are, and we still had a great 2-day offsite, pushed our video shoot to the weekend and managed to find a way to make it work, as a team.

The realities of meeting as a team when 3 out of 4 of you have Covid!

But, we pulled it off, and rescheduled the video shoot, and we’ve got some great new content and curriculum coming for our lawyer community, and for all of you, soon.

Here’s one of the big gifts I found from Covid now that it doesn’t seem to be a major killer, but more of a highly contagious cold. If there’s anything you really don’t want to do, Covid is a great excuse for not doing it. And, it will also show you what you really do want to do. For some, Covid brought on high emotions around the fear of death, and perhaps feelings of am I doing with my life what I really want to make sure I am doing before I die. 

These inquiries: what am I doing that I don’t want to be doing, and am I doing what I need to do before I die, are inquiries that should be happening in your life with or without Covid (in my opinion) because the use of your time, energy, and attention is literally how your life is created.

So, if Covid gets you thinking about life and death in ways you have not before, good … it got me to create some clarity in my own life about what I want to keep doing and what I don’t. 

And, one thing is clear to me, I want more time with my loved one’s playing and having fun.

All of that led into some big things happening this past week or so that have helped me to understand the critical importance of signing agreements, closing loops and the true magic of ceremony and ritual.

I’m starting to understand that as a lawyer, I’m actually operating at two very different levels — the 3D/practical/surface level of agreements, contracts and the like … and then there is the “field”, sometimes called the 5D.

If you’ve done any Family Constellation work, you know about this field … it’s the energy field that exists all around us, all the time, and in which everything is happening all at once.

Funny enough, years ago, when I was in my first turn of the wheel of awakening, I named my company “It’s All Happening” to remind me whenever I would forget, and it’s burned into the wood on the back of my van, and yet I can still sometimes forget.

We live in a quantum universe in which time is actually an illusion we’ve imposed on ourselves so we can interact on this 3D plane of existence. But, in Reality (capital R reality), all things are actually happening all at the same time, and as Creators we are constantly choosing to live into the timelines of future and past by the choices we make in this 3D plane.

We choose the timelines through the power of ritual, ceremony, and yes contracts and agreements.

So, when I married myself this past February with a full wedding ceremony, I continued a storyline of commitment that began when I first created my marriage contract (called a Ketubah in the Jewish tradition).

But, here’s what’s really odd … I never signed the actual ketubah!

Until last week.

I was in an immersion around the expansion of my personal brand, and as we were moving through the process of discovery, the magician I was working with (and he truly is a magician) and I realized I had never signed the actual contract!

Right then and there, he said … let’s do it. Let’s complete this ceremony and sign this contract. So, we did.

Watch the Unedited Video of Me Signing My Ketubah Here.

Following that ceremony, I went into a 2-day immersion with my business partner, Andrew, and two more magicians. I’ll be sharing more details of that immersion soon because truly a miracle occurred during the immersion.

But, I can’t share the details right now as I’m heading out into another immersion — yes, it’s a time of immersions for me — this one with the Luminous Awareness Institute so I can do more of the work I need to in the subtle energy realms.

In the meantime, here’s what I’d like you to consider …

What are the open loops, unsigned agreements or contracts, that may be creating turbulence in your field and keeping you from making the kind of progress you want to be making?

Divine/Universal law is real. Closing loops, making explicit agreements, signing those agreements … it all has more meaning than you may see on the surface.

Until next time … keep your eyes wide open.



Upcoming Event for Lawyers:


How to Attract More Clients Through Effective Storytelling

June 8, 2022 at 4:30 ET/1:30 PT

It’s important that your clients understand the “why” about what you do, along with “why” it matters to them. Telling your story authentically—complete with the missteps, pivots, and learnings—helps clients connect to you as a person. They will see why you’re the right lawyer for them and they will trust you to bring results.

Here’s what you can expect to receive at our FREE NLBM Storytelling Marketing workshop:

  • Live coaching on how to leverage storytelling to attract clients and stand out from the competition
  • Step-by-step instruction on how to outline your compelling firm story using our Character Arc Worksheet 
  • Actionable methods on how to implement your new firm story in your marketing and attract new clients

Show-up Bonus #1: Storytelling Marketing Starter Kit

Show-up Bonus #2: My Proven Firm Story Template

This is the same exact template that over 3,030 NLBM Member Lawyers have used successfully to create their own compelling firm story, helping them attract and engage more clients and, ultimately, build the law practice and life they desire.

I’m looking forward to seeing you there as Kim and Allison help you create content you can use right away!

Reserve your seat here:

Quick Links:

I’d love for us to stay connected! Follow the links below to engage in ways that are meaningful to you.

Follow Ali on Instagram to keep up with her journey 📱

Follow New Law Business Model on Instagram for Law Practice Pivots📈

Join the Lifestyle Lawyer’s Club Facebook Group of 5k lawyers like you⚖️

Watch the Ali Live Replay: How to Price your Legal Services💰

Not a Lawyer? Click here to join Eyes Wide Open Membership today🤝

Subscribe to receive The Entrepreneurial Lawyer newsletter to your inbox 2x a month📩