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Open loops, the gifts of C*vid + the MAGIC of ceremony & ritual

As you read last time I wrote, the Vid finally got me, and in some ways at the worst time possible. My entire executive team flew to Boulder to meet in person, and I had a big video shoot planned to upgrade our curriculum.


On top of that, my business partner’s wife also got Covid at the exact same time. So, now, neither of us would be attending the in-person offsite.

And one of our key team members in Boulder also got Covid, so we ended up reshuffling everything so our out of town team could all meet together in a local hotel conference room, and the three Boulder team members would Zoom in …


The good news was that I got to see and feel how adaptable we are, and we still had a great 2-day offsite, pushed our video shoot to the weekend and managed to find a way to make it work, as a team.

The realities of meeting as a team when 3 out of 4 of you have Covid!

But, we pulled it off, and rescheduled the video shoot, and we’ve got some great new content and curriculum coming for our lawyer community, and for all of you, soon.

Here’s one of the big gifts I found from Covid now that it doesn’t seem to be a major killer, but more of a highly contagious cold. If there’s anything you really don’t want to do, Covid is a great excuse for not doing it. And, it will also show you what you really do want to do. For some, Covid brought on high emotions around the fear of death, and perhaps feelings of am I doing with my life what I really want to make sure I am doing before I die. 

These inquiries: what am I doing that I don’t want to be doing, and am I doing what I need to do before I die, are inquiries that should be happening in your life with or without Covid (in my opinion) because the use of your time, energy, and attention is literally how your life is created.

So, if Covid gets you thinking about life and death in ways you have not before, good … it got me to create some clarity in my own life about what I want to keep doing and what I don’t. 

And, one thing is clear to me, I want more time with my loved one’s playing and having fun.

All of that led into some big things happening this past week or so that have helped me to understand the critical importance of signing agreements, closing loops and the true magic of ceremony and ritual.

I’m starting to understand that as a lawyer, I’m actually operating at two very different levels — the 3D/practical/surface level of agreements, contracts and the like … and then there is the “field”, sometimes called the 5D.

If you’ve done any Family Constellation work, you know about this field … it’s the energy field that exists all around us, all the time, and in which everything is happening all at once.

Funny enough, years ago, when I was in my first turn of the wheel of awakening, I named my company “It’s All Happening” to remind me whenever I would forget, and it’s burned into the wood on the back of my van, and yet I can still sometimes forget.

We live in a quantum universe in which time is actually an illusion we’ve imposed on ourselves so we can interact on this 3D plane of existence. But, in Reality (capital R reality), all things are actually happening all at the same time, and as Creators we are constantly choosing to live into the timelines of future and past by the choices we make in this 3D plane.

We choose the timelines through the power of ritual, ceremony, and yes contracts and agreements.

So, when I married myself this past February with a full wedding ceremony, I continued a storyline of commitment that began when I first created my marriage contract (called a Ketubah in the Jewish tradition).

But, here’s what’s really odd … I never signed the actual ketubah!

Until last week.

I was in an immersion around the expansion of my personal brand, and as we were moving through the process of discovery, the magician I was working with (and he truly is a magician) and I realized I had never signed the actual contract!

Right then and there, he said … let’s do it. Let’s complete this ceremony and sign this contract. So, we did.

Watch the Unedited Video of Me Signing My Ketubah Here.

Following that ceremony, I went into a 2-day immersion with my business partner, Andrew, and two more magicians. I’ll be sharing more details of that immersion soon because truly a miracle occurred during the immersion.

But, I can’t share the details right now as I’m heading out into another immersion — yes, it’s a time of immersions for me — this one with the Luminous Awareness Institute so I can do more of the work I need to in the subtle energy realms.

In the meantime, here’s what I’d like you to consider …

What are the open loops, unsigned agreements or contracts, that may be creating turbulence in your field and keeping you from making the kind of progress you want to be making?

Divine/Universal law is real. Closing loops, making explicit agreements, signing those agreements … it all has more meaning than you may see on the surface.

Until next time … keep your eyes wide open.



Upcoming Event for Lawyers:


How to Attract More Clients Through Effective Storytelling

June 8, 2022 at 4:30 ET/1:30 PT

It’s important that your clients understand the “why” about what you do, along with “why” it matters to them. Telling your story authentically—complete with the missteps, pivots, and learnings—helps clients connect to you as a person. They will see why you’re the right lawyer for them and they will trust you to bring results.

Here’s what you can expect to receive at our FREE NLBM Storytelling Marketing workshop:

  • Live coaching on how to leverage storytelling to attract clients and stand out from the competition
  • Step-by-step instruction on how to outline your compelling firm story using our Character Arc Worksheet 
  • Actionable methods on how to implement your new firm story in your marketing and attract new clients

Show-up Bonus #1: Storytelling Marketing Starter Kit

Show-up Bonus #2: My Proven Firm Story Template

This is the same exact template that over 3,030 NLBM Member Lawyers have used successfully to create their own compelling firm story, helping them attract and engage more clients and, ultimately, build the law practice and life they desire.

I’m looking forward to seeing you there as Kim and Allison help you create content you can use right away!

Reserve your seat here:

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