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4 Dimensions of the Life and Income You Want From the Money Map

The first step in creating your Money Map to Freedom™ is to get very clear on what you really, really, really, REALLY want your life to look like.  And not just at one level, but at 4 distinct dimensions.

THIS is where most people sabotage themselves when it comes to designing the lives they really want.  And I’ve done it too. It can be scary to dream into what we really want, so we compromise.  The Money Map™ process of lifestyle design allows you to ease into it and that begins with identifying what you really want on a spectrum from minimum to be happy, preferred if you could afford it, to no limits, and finally, the absolute reality of now.

This article will explain each of these 4 dimensions more fully so you can begin to feel into the truth of your reality, thereby creating the greatest likelihood of actually having it.

[This article is underway and not complete — please check back shortly OR, better yet, sign up for our next Money Map training and you’ll be on our list, so we’ll let you know when the article is complete.]

Minimum to Be Happy:

Preferred If You Could Afford It:

No Limits:


If you’d like to go deeper in this process, attend our next live Money Map training and get access to the full Money Map Life Planning series as our gift.