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eliminating fear

Dear Fear, I just can’t do it anymore…

I’m writing this at 2am. Inspired. Activated. Charged up. And ready for a shift.

I just got back from Mexico where I had a week with one of my favorite communities. I worked while I was there and had my daughter out for half the week, for mother/daughter bonding time.

Dreamcatcher Mexico Ali ShantiWhile we were there, I decide to invest in Kaia starting a business by buying a number of dream catchers and handmade huichol jewelry that she can sell to fund her life. I’m hopeful that this learning experience will be valuable for both of us and I intend to share the learnings with you here as we go.

So, what am I all riled up about?

I cannot continue to operate the way I have been. And, honestly, I don’t know how to make the transition.  The old way has served me so well, but it’s stagnated now and I’m ready to be done with it.

You’d think by now I’d be really good at transitions. If you’ve followed my story for any length of time, you know that I’ve made a lot of transitions over the years.

I left the big law firm and the 6-figure paycheck to start my own law practice. I left the law practice to build an online business. I gave it all up and moved to a farm and filed bankruptcy. I rebuilt it all again. Lots of transitions. Lots of change.

And, this one feels different. It’s the one I’ve been longing for, the one I’ve been avoiding, the one that has me most at my edge.

The old way of being is the reason I created the Money Map back in 2009 — I needed a way to get into truth and out of a survival mode that was plaguing me even with a business making $2mm a year.

It’s the reason I filed bankruptcy — I needed to confront my greatest fear of running out of money so I could stop being ruled by it.


And now it will be the reason I make my most radicTransform from old to newal shift yet.

I am 100% ready to release fear as a motivator in my life.

I’m not sure what will happen when I do, but I can tell you I’m not going to let the fear of not knowing stop me. I’m ready now.  I haven’t been ready before. Fear has served me so well as a motivator in the past. It was responsible for my graduating first in my law school class.  It was responsible for me building multiple million dollar businesses. It was responsible for me hitting the top of many leaderboards and becoming almost famous.

You may have heard me mention before that there are a few powerful men in my life who have been supporting me to see that I no longer need fear as a motivator. And while I’ve been hearing their words, I wasn’t really ready to let go of it. It still had a hold on me and I was giving power to it.

I’m ready to stop now. And I’m curious if you’d like to join me in living into a world beyond fear. If so, we can do it together, right here over the next several weeks.

The first step on that path, I believe, is to see all the places that fear has been a motivator and acknowledge them. I’m going to start a list and share it with you soon, or perhaps on a post on my Facebook page first. Be sure to watch for it there.

Once you are clear where fear is a motivator, you can begin to look at what your life would look like if you were truly motivated by Desire. If you want to explore that, I’ve shared what I really, really, really, REALLY want my life to look like here and I’d love for you to share whatever clarity you may have as well for your life. Let’s speak these realities into existence together.

Because seriously, I cannot do it anymore the other way. I am ready to root out any place I’ve used fear to motivate myself and others. And I invite you to send me examples of where you see fear being used right now as a motivator in your own life or out in the world generally.

Let’s make a shift together, okay? Let’s create a new reality that is based in the true light of Love.

eliminate fear

Will you do it with me? If so let me know ([email protected]) or comment on one of the Facebook posts and help me spread the word.

And the next time you have a choice to make, please ask yourself — what would I choose if I wasn’t at all motivated by fear here? What if pure Desire or Life’s Call was what was drawing me and not the fear of losing something?

Thank you for joining me on this mission. I feel fear in saying yes to it. And it’s not the fear that’s motivating me. It’s simply what’s happening and when I feel more deeply into it, I recognize it’s not actually fear at all — it’s the excitement of saying yes to something I truly Desire — a life built around the joy of being, rather than the fear of not having or being enough.

Can you feel the difference? If so, let me know, hit reply, or better yet post in one of my Facebook comments so we can spread the message of life beyond fear.

Love beyond the beyond,
