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transforming overwhelm

Overwhelm is an interesting word.

I’m noticing a lot of comments in our Facebook group about people feeling overwhelmed, and so I wanted to write to you today to bring you some peace and relaxation.

Overwhelm is an interesting word. My sense of it is that we feel overwhelmed when we are unclear about what comes next or what exactly to do next when we perceive that we have too many options or choices.

What I want you to know that there are a few powerful things that you can do to transform your feelings of overwhelm into a tool to assist you on your journey.

You have the complete power to decide to allow overwhelm to stop you in your tracks OR to shift the feeling into clear action. {Tweet It!}

Here are some ideas for you:

1) Accept that not knowing what lies ahead or what exact path to take is perfect. In fact, if we knew all of the steps we wouldn’t have the opportunity to explore our edges and grow. What would happen if every time you felt overwhelmed you shifted the feeling to anticipation or even excitement for the unknown?

2) When you feel overwhelmed, breathe. I recently posted on my facebook page about the power of NOW and NEXT. This is a six month process. You have plenty of time to simply focus on your next step. If anything feels unclear, bring it to our calls or the facebook group.

3) See overwhelm for what it may be in your case, a power play by your ego to keep you from doing the things that will create change in your life. Our highest selves know that our desires are possible. Our egos, however, are charged with keeping us safe. And from the frame of our ego, the discomfort of the known is preferable to the opportunity of the unknown. And our ego is sneaky. It creates quite logical reasons, i.e. overwhelm, for us to stay… right. where. we are.

You always get to decide my love. It is your work to learn to override your own thinking through your breath and intentions so that you can continue on your path to having more of what you want.

Learn to override your own thinking through your breath & intentions to continue on your path to having more of what you want. {Tweet It!}

I am here for you, love.

Big love,