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Two Smart Strategies to Sell More of Your Awesome Information Products at a Live Event

I’m writing this from the airport after the eWomenNetwork big conference in Dallas.

What a great event! Kym and Sandra Yancey know how to bring together a great group. I have a lot I could say about what I learned at the event, not the least of which is a totally life-altering dinner with Patrick Combs.

But today I have a specific focus, speaking to sell.  What do you do when you are invited to speak at an event to of sell a product?

First, I should mention that if you want hands-on learning and help with this, take Lisa Sasevich’s Speak to Sell Training. It’s the bomb-diggity on this topic.

Second, this message is specifically for a situation where you are invited to sell your product/program at an event and not where you are getting paid to keynote.

That’s a TOTALLY different model. Make sure all expectations are clear up front so you don’t get embarrassed.

You should have signed a written agreement specifying the type of talk you are giving, the commission split details, and length of your talk, among other things.


Okay, so you know you are speaking to sell, now what?

1. Consider creating promotional materials to encourage people to come to your talk at the event.

If you are speaking at the same time as other speakers (instead of on the main stage) pass out flyers or other materials at the event.

Or better yet, have an assistant do that for you.

At a recent ABA event I event, where attendees had up to ten breakout sessions to choose from, I handed out promotional material and my room was packed.

2. Use an Interactive Order Form

Whether you are speaking to sell, or to generate leads, you want a worksheet your attendees can complete during your talk. They can order your product or request your free thing. This helps you build relationships with your future client.

Here are images of the best non-order form order form I’ve seen in a loonnngggg time.

What makes it so good?

What are 10 specific things that makes this non-order order form rock? Describe each one, and what makes it awesome, and I’ll enter you to win 3 months in our Eyes Wide Open Coaching Program or a private check in session with me.

Describe all 10 in the comments now.

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Your Biggest Business Challenge — Solved

If you’re having trouble with your business, we want to help you solve your most pressing problem.

Comment below to share your biggest business challenge, and read what our other members are saying about theirs.

Don’t be afraid, let us know! We’re here to support your success.

We’ll respond to your challenges with advice from our mistakes, shortcuts, experiences and in the moment learnings… because we know that when it really comes down to it, your business success is impacted by your ability to get things done:

— getting projects off the ground and completed
— implementing marketing campaigns
— managing team members
— tracking and managing your financials and metrics
— getting legal agreements in place
— managing all the resources you have, both big and small

So whatever your question or challenge is, ask and ye shall receive…

How To Escape Project Management Overwhelm

When it comes to effective project management, ‘thrashing’ is the new black.

Thrashing has radically empowered our team to transform creative idea flows into finished products with much greater efficiency. You want this. Trust me.

For Your Projects To Ship On Time, On Budget, Without Surprises You Need To Thrash Like A Pro

So, what exactly is ‘thrashing’ and how will it change your business, your life and your Great Work?

It’s a must-know project management technique we learned from Giovanni – which he borrowed from the software development industry.

You invest an hour, afternoon, day or week on a new project idea (depending on its size) and thrash it out completely.

He recently shared a Seth Godin talk with me about calming the lizard brain, and why people don’t Ship — it’s because they’re constantly adding stuff on at the end of their projects.

So I’m learning how to secure the perimeter on this one.

You get your projects thrashed out ahead of time: come up with your must-haves, nice-to-haves, ship dates, and a little bit of recoil time at the end.

Then after you’ve shipped and taken the time to high-five with the team and learn from the experience, you have a breather where you incubate the next project you want to ship. This is the time to relax deep into your parasympathetic nervous system (where the best ideas come from). Go on vacation, get massages, meditate, don’t do a lot, just let the ideas come… then pick the next project, prioritize it, spend time thrashing it all out, and then BOOM go into implementation mode and just plow until you ship, and that’s it.

So that’s what we’re doing now.

Use The Thrashing Technique To Get Your Projects Done Right The First Time Around

We have people that capture Ali’s creative downloads, and translate them into templates and punchlists designed to make sure they’re getting all the right details THE FIRST TIME so Ali doesn’t have to repeat herself. (“And then what happens? What tags need to be placed on them in Infusionsoft? What’s the title of the next email? What’s the call to action at the end of that email? What page does it drive to? …”)

We ask ALL these questions up front, think a project through completely in one sitting (thrashing), and then send the finished project plan to the implementation team. At that point, they can just sit down, put their nose to the grindstone and crank — ’cause that’s what technicians love to do (according to Michael Gerber). They love to produce and get the work DONE.

It’s not fair to technicians to ask them to constantly be switching gears into project manager mode, trying to figure out emails, trying to figure out what the deadlines are — they need to be able to sit down, have everything prioritized and systematized in advance and just crank and get it done, boom, and move on to the next thing.

The upshot of all this is that we don’t need position descriptions with all these levels of detail and operating manuals in the way that E-Myth describes. That’s old-paradigm, McDonaldized, Henry Ford assembly-line management.

For the creative team, where things are not rote, we need a new paradigm of project management. Once we’ve chosen our next campaign or creative project, we thrash it out, everybody understands their role on the team, and then we just go to work and everybody does what they’ve got to do, and more than they’ve got to do, because they’re so passionate about it and they just want to be successful. They love being trusted and empowered, and that’s what the new paradigm way affords us. All of us!

It’s a radically different way of going about it than the mechanistic way that Michael Gerber describes. I feel totally relaxed around it.

How does this land for you? Do you see where you can apply this in your business? What don’t you get? Let me know by sharing your comments, insights and challenges below!

Craig Filek

To The Edge and Back – How My Bankruptcy Helps You

I recently received an email from an annoyed and confused woman. She wanted to know what possible reason I could have for sharing the fact I am going through bankruptcy with you.

“No one cares,” she wrote.

I couldn’t disagree more.

I am a risk taker and a rule breaker. My purpose is to experience the outer perimeter of what is possible. I explore the places people are usually afraid of. I go out to the edges and survey the scenery. I check for land mines and wild cougars. I make sure the ground underneath my feet is stable. Once I have illuminated the terrain of the unknown, I invite others (you) to join me. Why bankruptcy?

I’ve come across a lot of people who used their debt, or lack of resources, as an excuse for why they can’t do what they really really want. You know how it goes: I can’t quit my job because I need to pay the mortgage, even though I hate going to work every day. I would start my own company but I’m barely breaking even as it is. I’ll do it later, when I’ve paid off my loans and my life is more stable.

This was the exact thing I was doing. I sold a service that I did not like providing, and was far less impactful than I knew I could be in the world, because I felt like I had to. I was driven by a perceived need to make enough money so I could pay off my debts.

And in order to get un-trapped I had to face my single biggest fear, and be willing to run out of money. I stopped doing everything I was doing for the money. I gave up my credit score and credit cards. I looked at the reality of my indebtedness.

I let my bank account get down to $29, and I had no credit cards to fall back on.And from the edge of bankruptcy this is what I have to report:

I’m too creative and too resourced to run out of money. Every time I’ve been on the brink of not being able to buy groceries something has come through. A tax refund check, or someone wanted to buy a product I wasn’t even marketing, or an old friend that owed me money decided to pay me back out of the blue. There were unexpected gifts at the most opportune times.

Once I switched from living in the fear of scarcity, I realized that I was in abundance.

And surprisingly enough, the hardest thing to let go of wasn’t the money but my identity as a million dollar business owner. I had to relinquish the idea that my self-worth, my value, is intrinsically connected to my bottom line. And some of my relationships that were based on this assumption have died.

Now, I am starting to create relationships based on who I really am, not how much money people think I have.

And, I have a lot more figuring out to do. I am constantly finding out ways my relationships with debt and money run my life.

My hope is that my willingness to drop my identity, to release my debt in favor of doing more in the world, will break the conditioning that tells us we have to put paying off our indebtedness before living the lives we are supposed to live. I hope it will inspire others to put the purpose of their lives before the payment of their debt and see the liberation of letting go of it all.

The whole reason for this surrender is finding out what it is I’m here to be. I could no longer use my debt as an excuse to not live my full potential.

Nicole Daedone says, “I come back again and again to my teacher saying to me that surrender is not offering myself to something that I perceive to be more powerful – that is capture. Surrender is offering myself to something I believe to be less than me. It is offering myself in the face of humanity. By the same token, it is always through the mundane, through what I perceive to be beneath me – like, I should not have to do that don’t you know who I am? – that the beauty creeps in.”

So here I am, surrendering to bankruptcy, to not having it all together, to going for what I believe in, messy challenges and all.

Want to know more about the latest Eyes Wide Open Membership Call?

 EWO Evolution Circle
EWO Evolution Circle

Here are excerpts from our latest Eyes Wide Open All Access membership call, where we give you exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to see how we generate leads, convert them to prospects and turn our clients into raving fans (and we give you our help so you can do it too!)

Here’s What We Talked About On Our June 10th Call:

We absolutely love doing our All Access membership calls; there is so much to say and so much to learn. Get a small taste of that right here…

1. How to leverage your time.

We introduced Go to Girls, a VA company you can use to delegate/outsource those tasks that are draining your time and energy. (Click here to contact Go to Girls and tell them we sent you!)

Members-only content: Click here to sign in…
Click here to learn more about membership…

2. Tracking sales from Facebook.

Learn how to use affiliate links to track clicks from Facebook posts where you promote your programs.

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Click here to learn more about membership…

3. A trick to increase your SEO.

Marisa Murgatroyd showed us some FREE ways to use keywords to increase your search engine ranking. This includes knowing how to evaluate keywords, and where to use them.

Members-only content: Click here to sign in…
Click here to learn more about membership…

Want To Learn More?

Check out Eyes Wide Open for live business coaching & behind-the-scenes secrets!

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Take An Exclusive Look At An Eyes Wide Open All Access Membership Call

EWO Evolution Circle

Here are excerpts from our latest Eyes Wide Open All Access membership call, where we give you exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to see how we generate leads, convert them to prospects and turn our clients into raving fans (and we give you our help so you can do it too!)

Check Out Everything We Talked About On Our June 17th Call:

We absolutely love doing our All Access membership calls; there is so much to say and so much to learn. Get a small taste of that right here…

1. How to Analyze Metrics.

As always, looking at the numbers brings up creative ideas. This time Ali considers offering ALL her products at one rate, based on a campaign that Laura Roeder is doing.

Members-only content: Click here to sign in…
Click here to learn more about membership…

2. How to Get More Traffic.

How to market to the audience segment that is the right niche for you, and get them to your door (your website). Ali works with ReTargeter on Disply Ad strategies – she even comes up with a few they hadn’t thought of! To learn more, go to and tell them we sent you.

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Click here to learn more about membership…

3. Outsourcing.

How do you evaluate the opportunities that come your way? Always ask if it’s a good investment for the impact (money and reach) you want. Then leverage the power of having a team to support you on it.

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4. Marisa Murgatroyd.

Marisa reviews sales pages & squeeze pages with Ali. She also shares her strategy on getting great stock images (cheaply)!

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Click here to learn more about membership…

Want To Learn More?

Check out Eyes Wide Open for live business coaching & behind-the-scenes secrets!

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