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Do webinars really work to generate you clients? My experience + a resource 

I’ve been building my businesses in the online world since 2006 and have tried just about every single method of selling products and services online you can imagine.

Some of it has worked like gangbusters, some (most?) of it has been a big fat flop.

The most frustrating part was that what seemed to work for others, didn’t work for me.

I realize now that when the things I was trying weren’t working it was because I had mismatch between my income model and the strategies I was using.

I had gotten sold strategies that worked for others who actually had different business models than I did!

But I couldn’t see that because from the outside, their models looked to be what I wanted.

From the inside though, it wasn’t anything like I thought it would be.

If you’ve been seeing people doing gangbusters with webinars and you wonder whether they will work for you and your business model, you’ve got to see these resources my friends and mentors Justin Livingston and Callan Rush put together.

First, the video: it gives you the behind the scenes of the business model shifts, changes and all the possibilities they considered before deciding to use webinars.

It’s like a really great documentary.

Then, the training itself. A super in-depth training on which enrollment strategies will work best for you and your business model.

Before you make another business investment or decide on your next business steps, you must do it with your eyes open —Justin and Callan’s video and training materials are a super start.

To your eyes wide open life and income,


PS — Enter your name and email address using this link and then watch their documentary style video that takes you behind the scenes into their business model decision-making process — it’s HUGELY instructive.