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Loveletter: My coming out party … (something incredible happened)

This past weekend at the Success 3.0 Summit I opened the kimono and came out in a big way…

I told the story of my three awakenings, the bankruptcy, the two personalities that emerged through it all, my vision of a world that works for everyone and the integration that is now occurring.

You can see a pictorial representation of my talk here:

And, I’m beginning the process of writing the whole story out. I hope to have that to share with you sometime soon.

Here’s what the most incredible thing was…

The room was full of people from all walks of my life. I know this is going to sound crazy (or perhaps narcissistic), but it’s almost as if the event was thrown for me. A true coming out party.

My very first teachers after my first awakening, Satyen and Suzanne Raja, were there. They also led me into my second awakening, what I call the Oneness Awakening.

Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith was there. He’s the founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, the first place I found my spiritual home. Growing up, I was born Jewish and told God was for stupid people. So when I moved to LA and found myself looking for a church, it didn’t really make sense. But the moment I walked into Agape, I knew I was home. Each word Rev. Michael spoke was a remembering of what I had always known to be true. Being with him at Success 3.0 was such a treat.

Eben Pagan and his wife, Annie Lalla, were there. The two of them have been profound guides for me over the years. In fact, I was there at the moment they met and on the night they first became romantically involved, a few months later. They have been such deep teachers for me, each in their own way.

Jack Canfield was there. Jack was one of my early teachers from afar. He gave me the courage to go into debt to fuel my dreams and to release that debt when it no longer served me or the planet for me to continue carrying it.

Barbara Marx Hubbard was there. She became one of my teachers over New Year’s 2011 when I heard her speak and met her at an Integral New Year’s Conference. I began to adopt her vision of the birth of a new world and, I dare say, it has happened.

The baby has been born and we are it. Learning to live, work and love in community and sometimes falling on our face as we do it. Tweet It! 

Just as a toddler falls down as she learns to walk.

Lynne Twist was there. Her book the Soul of Money was exactly what I needed to read to understand that financial freedom is a farce and to truly understand and step into financial liberation, which is at the heart of the Money Map.  Watch for us doing a joint workshop in the Spring. So excited.

Ken Wilber was there and while we never met in person, his integral teachings form the underpinning of my life. And I’ve long associated my purpose with what I’ve learned from him about what happens when we make the leap from Stage One Consciousness to Stage Two (Integral) Consciousness. It’s a driving force of my life.

David Hassell, KC Baker, Gaby and Raj Sundra, four of the loves of my life. Kiva, a dear sister and one of my partners in this business. Yanik Silver, Jeff Walker, Andrea Albright and Jon Benson four of the people in the online space I respect the most. The Maverick Next crew from Yanik’s 25 and under mastermind group — gosh I love that crew. They were all there. Julia Allison, Bear Kittay, Katiyana Williams, Daniel Claussen, Decker Cunov, and Myka Michaelian, Josh Zemel, and Rose Cole, family through and through.

Not to mention a good part of my Burning Man family, my Colorado community, my soul family that is coming together to steward land in Crestone, CO, my beloveds from San Diego, and Kate Maloney, the queen of the event organization, herself. Plus, of course, Marc Gafni, the creator of the whole thing.

Each one of these people are my teachers and family. I wonder if anyone else had a similar experience of being so surrounded by people who have served such deep purpose in their lives at this event.

And then, to make it even better, I got to meet some of the people I feel confident will serve deeply in my life in years to come, Amber Rae, creator of the World We Want project, Bud Sorensen, founder of the Slow Money initiative, Adam Bellows, from Harper Collins, and Maggie Doyle, former lawyer and now CEO of Brad Blanton’s Radical Honesty company.

I know this sounds crazy, but it really did feel as if the event was built for me.

In front of my teachers, my soul family and my future collaborative partners, I got to tell the story of awakening to my true self and learning to live as her, fully, 100% of the time, no hiding or shaming.

I didn’t get to tell the whole story though because I only had 20 minutes.

Every person who came up to me after my talk said — wow, I never really knew you before. Now, I get you. Thank you for telling your story. I am inspired.

It makes me want to tell it more often, for more people to hear it. But not just a snippet, the whole thing.  

Watch this space. Perhaps I will write it bit by bit, on the blog and here, over the rest of this year.

For today though, I want to talk about launching and what comes up and then what happens after it’s all said and done. It’s been quite the journey. Lots to learn. Read the blog for more on that…

Big Love,