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Why the New Age of Co-Creation is YOUR Path to Ultimate Impact

Collaberating Women

Let’s face it, YOU are a visionary.

You have a bigger vision for yourself and the world. You believe in abundance for ALL. You’re tired of the old-scarcity model of every person out for him or herself. You’ve had enough of the old ways of making money that drains you and the collective that is ‘us’.

I imagine you’re wondering …

“So, how do I do it if I’m a solo-preneur, leader, visionary and I feel like I’m the only one who can do all that there is to do? Is there ANY other way to do this whole old-monetary-economy thing?”


It’s time for you to to step into the New Economy with a FULL heart and a BIG “YES!”

There’s a new way – one that supports abundance, health and vitality for all. One that allows us to build each other up. One that believes in and works for the good of the whole.

It’s all about collaboration and co-creation.

We collectively bring each of our creative genius and resources to the table to come up with real solutions for thriving conscious businesses and a thriving planet Earth. Because problems are WAY easier to tackle when we join forces. So, why wouldn’t we want that kind of ultimate impact?

You can CHOOSE this path, love.

Just like we have.

Because we practice what we preach.

And lead by example to make it easier for YOU to take action.

That’s why today, I am excited to announce that…

We are moving forward in Co-Creation and Collaboration as…the Eyes Wide Open Collective.

This means more support, more guidance, more intimacy, more expertise – MORE of everything you’ve been wanting to help you create the thriving, conscious business you dream of and the financial liberation you know is possible.

And we’re so excited about this that we want to share a gift with you – a peek into our behind-the-scenes strategic team meeting that birthed the Collective so you can see the juice of Co-Creation in action.

Here, in this video, you’ll see exactly what we’re talking about.

We’re revealing our new paradigm business model as well as providing juicy guidance and insight into:

  • Creating a brand that is in total alignment with your truth – while supporting you and the betterment of the world in the New Economy

  • Creating sequential programs and a path of ascension (we call it a relationship pathway in the Money Map program) to bring life-long clients into their mastery

  • Building a new economy business model rooted in co-creation

  • Building a “genius platform” for your success and the good of the world

  • Creating partnership launches that support your Ultimate Vision & ensure your game-changing program or product reaches those who will take heart-centered action

… And we have another gift for you.

Co-creating and collaboration means entering in partnerships where your true zone of genius can shine brilliantly.  It’s when you can focus on the work that you truly want to show up for. It’s about being needy and asking for help from those who can support you to do your best work.

In the following Google Hangout, I have a shockingly open, raw, and authentic conversation with Amrita Khalsa, CEO of Eyes Wide Open Life, and the newest feminine leader on our EWO Collective, Kiva Leatherman, about what it has really taken to build Eyes Wide Open Life into the collective that it is now, and what it will take moving forward.

Learn how to collaborate powerfully with clear agreements, lead from a place of true feminine surrender, say ‘NO’ to everything that is not in your zone of genius, and step into creating your personal path to Financial Liberation:

Discover & be apart of more juicy Hangouts, just like this, by subscribing to the Eyes Wide Open YouTube channel.

thin sun set

Every week on Tuesdays from 10am-12pm PST, we invite you to the backstage of our business on our “All Access Calls.” On our behind-the-scenes strategic team meetings, you’ll see what it takes to run an Eyes Wide Open creative and thriving business whose purpose is to bring your Great Work into the world in a way that feels really deep, down good!

To learn how to be a part of these idea-rich & action-packed calls through our Eyes Wide Open Coaching Circle plus get weekly coaching and support to grow your own business with the right business model and an Eyes Wide Open, enlightened and inspired Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax foundation, click here.

So “Cheers!” to the Collective – to a whole new way of doing business that creates big, BIG change.

What Others Are Saying About the EWO Collective:

“You Women are awesome and my role models! Thank You. I’m very moved to be hearing this long awaited, supportive info and breakdown about this very wholistic model of really “being” in business.” ~ Gina Rene

 “This is so awesome!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is the response from the Universe… indicating that I’m on the right path. I’ve been longing for collaborations moving forward. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience! <3” ~ Norie Marfil

 “This concept of neediness is wonderfully freeing. It means that I don’t have to be superwoman. I can ask for help and support. How freeing is that? Thank you Ali! I appreciate your input.” ~ Judith Stephens

 “It’s so, so helpful hearing this type of honest discussion in an open, real, and raw way. less ego, more co-creation. it’s the more feminine way of doing things…so true! love this, thank you.” ~ Jessica Ann

 “Thanks so much ladies, so appreciate you all. Much love, xoxo.” ~ Kim Beckers

 Step into co-creation & collaboration RIGHT NOW by commenting below. Show your support for that which is our future. Share your support, stories and ideas of “collectiveness” below and we’ll lovingly continue this movement!