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How Do You Know When You’re Ready to Launch Your Great Work Online?

A lot of you have been asking me lately: how do I know when I’m ready to launch my Great Work online? How do I plan my first online product launch?

There are actually Three Phases to launching your work online. You need to know what they are, plus how to know which one you’re ready for.

I also want you to know about a big mistake I see people making all the time that costs them time, money and energy in launching the wrong way, and how you can avoid it.

This is all about YOUR Financial Liberation.

liberationquoteAs my partner Alexis Neely (you also know her as Ali Shanti) always says, Financial Liberation is knowing that you can earn what you need, as you need it, on demand.

At Eyes Wide Open Life that’s what we’re all about: teaching you how create Financial Liberation, through your own Great Work, through the vehicle of your own business.

We know that you have gifts to give to the world, you have service that you’re here to do for people, you’ve got amazing expertise and thought leadership. We’re here to help you get it out there.

The Three Phases of Launching Your Great Work to the World:

1. Phase 1: Launch Your Practice
2. Phase 2: Build Your Home & List Online
3. Phase 3: Turn Your Great Work Into Leveraged Offers

417405_501321023261424_1735896562_nPhase 1: Launch Your Practice

You’re ready for Phase 1 if you know you’ve got a message, a calling, gifts to offer people… but you haven’t really done it yet.

Maybe you’re working another job and you’re ready for a transition, maybe you’re just discovering what your purpose is on the planet… either way, you know you’ve got this work inside you ready to be birthed, but you haven’t really done it very much.

The first step for you is to fill your practice with one-on-one clients.

This is so essential for you because:

  • You’re going to start gaining confidence and experience in your work;
  • You’re going to start knowing how to talk about what you do because you’ll get really fluent in what people need when they come to you, what they’re struggling with, and what their needs and desires are;
  • You’ll start getting testimonials and social proof;
  • And you’ll start earning revenue from your Great Work.

This is the foundation of launching your work to the world in a big way. Even if you know you’re a Star Creator and you’ve got a huge message that you want to reach a big audience, you still need to start by delivering your work one-on-one with people to gain experience and results. We want you to do this in a really grounded, solid and stable way where you’re always financially well. This is the first really grounded step.

2013-05-06 08.14.42Phase 2: Build Your Home & List Online

From that foundation, you’re now ready to build a website that communicates who you are, who you serve, and what you do for them.

Your “Online Home” needs to communicate this it in a very compelling way where people come to your site and they immediately know what they’re here for & what’s in it for them, so they instantly know if you’re the right one that they want to be in relationship with.

Launching yourself at Phase 2 also includes relationship building: choosing a list-building strategy (there are so many to choose from, so you’ve got to know which one is the one that’s going to work for YOU), and having a Lead Generation Magnet (the gift you offer that inspires people to exchange their precious contact information with you).


Phase 3: Turn Your Great Work Into Leveraged Offers 

Once you’ve got a home online, you’ve got a list, and you’ve got experience working with clients, now you’re ready to turn your Great Work into leveraged offers (group programs, mastermind programs, home study courses, licensing & certification)… all of these things open up for you at this point.

There are lots of fine points to launching at Phase 3! Ali and I recently did a whole training call on this so if you want our deeper training on the Multi-Orgasmic Launch Model (which helps you with either Phase 2 or Phase 3) you can hear the recording at

Don’t Make This Mistake

The mistake I see so many people making is trying to jump ahead too soon. I see a lot of people who are starting at Level Zero right now, trying to launch at Level Three.

I’m not going to say that’s not possible, because anything’s possible, and there are the rare cases when people are able to do that. Usually however they’ve had some kind of unfair advantage that you may not even know about, such as connections or a wealth of resources. Those are the rare exceptions, and what we’re advising you to do is to approach the launch of your Great Work in a really solid way, where you’re not going to invest tens of thousands of dollars trying to launch yourself for something that you’re just not ready for. That’s the mistake I don’t want you to make.

Please take this advice in, be honest about where you are.


It’s fine, it’s all part of the process. It is a HUGE process, it’s not something that happens overnight. We’re talking about developing the body of your thought leadership — it’s just like nourishing a baby. No one expects a baby to grow up to be a mature adult within a number of months, and it’s the same with your sustainable, financially liberated business.

There’s a process to it.

Start where you are.

I would love to know your questions! This is what we’re here for, to support you with this process. So please ask them below right here, and I will be happy to answer you.

– Amrita