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From Struggling Service-Based Practice Owner to Thriving Entrepreneurial Business Owner – with Alexis Neely & Chris Brogan

Money Map to Freedom: Webinar with Chris Brogan and Alexis Neely

“From Struggling Service-Based Practice Owner to Thriving Entrepreneurial Business Owner: How Knowing & Using Your Entrepreneurial Archetype to Create a Money Map to Freedom Leads to the Life & Business You Really Want”

On this webinar, you’ll discover:

  • The difference between a practice and a business and how a business serves your life while a practice keeps you trapped, no matter how successful you are with it.
  • Your unique entrepreneurial archetype — where you are now and where you want to be, so you can create your personal money map to a life of freedom;
  • How to create a business model around your service that allows you the freedom to do your Great Work while living a life you absolutely love;
  • How you can stop focusing on saving for retirement and paying off debt and instead make the smart investment decisions that will lead to the life you really want in your elder years; and
  • Why the quest for financial freedom is a fool’s errand and how you can have financial liberation (an absolute key in the emerging new economy) today.

We invite you to share your comments below.

To start your Money Map to Freedom today, go to: