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How to Go from One-to-One to One-to-Many and Even More – In 4 (Simple But Not Easy) Steps

577414_435978136484794_772848149_nFinancial liberation is knowing you can always earn exactly what you need, when you need it, on demand.

Offering your services one-to-one in exchange for dollars based on hours you performed your service is the natural first step many take to that end.

And, as quickly as you possibly can you will want to move through that stage to the next level.

Trading dollars for hours is okay, but it’s limited.  If you’ve been doing it, you know what I mean.

If you haven’t started a business yet, you may have heard that it’s the way to start or perhaps you’ve decided to skip that step.

Don’t skip it. But don’t get stuck there either.

It’s a necessary step along the path to financial liberation because it teaches you so much about your audience, how you serve them, how much time it takes to get to the desired outcome you provide, the benefits of working with you and will build your confidence.

But you will quickly realize it’s not sustainable.

You only have so many hours in the day and your greatest limitation isn’t money, knowledge, clients or any of the other excuses we often make up to keep us small, it’s your time.   Your time is your most valuable resource.  Especially if you want to impact a lot of people.

So, once you’ve mastered serving people on a one to one basis, it’s time to make the leap up to the next level.

The next incremental step on your path from one to one to one to many is to keep serving one to one and shift from being paid hourly to creating packages that offer your services.  The value of what you will charge for these packages is based on the outcome your clients can expect, NOT for the amount of time you spend with them. (To learn exactly how to structure your packages, start your Money Map to Freedom Program here.)

Two things about that:

1) I see many folks who try to skip the one to one altogether and go right to creating group programs and products. I think this is a mistake.  You simply do not know enough about your marketplace or what you offer. Generally speaking, you need the one to one in order to develop your expertise.

2) Going from one to one hourly directly to group programs or products (and skipping the creation of packages) is also a mistake because it’s the package creation process that helps you clarify the outcomes you provide, the benefits of those outcomes, and the value people gain and will pay for what you offer.

Once you’ve created packages to offer your one to one service, then you can move on to the holy grail of one to many service.

The best way to start is to begin serving your clients in groups. Deliver the same outcomes you delivered in the one-on-one packages but now in a group setting.

After working with your clients in groups, you’re finally ready to start creating products that can be accessible to more than just your group clients and more than just your one-on-one clients… these products/services can be accessible to any and every one at anytime without your presence.  This is where you will start to realize the joy of “passive income” and making money while you sleep. (Note: passive income from information products is not really passive, but I’ll have to save that discussion for another time.)

So here are the 4 steps to financial liberation by offering your services:

1. Serving your clients one to one on an hourly basis;

2. Serving your clients one to one with flat fees based on packages;

3. Serving your clients in groups with flat fees based on packages;

4. Serving your clients through products that can be purchased, used and implemented without direct contact with you.

Seeing these steps listed out like they are here makes it sound pretty easy. The truth is, the journey from one-on-one hourly to serving many clients through products that sell while you sleep is one that takes dedication, persistence and most of all support.

Connect with us in our private Facebook group and tune into our bi-weekly Coaching Calls and Accountability and Implementation Calls to get the support you need.