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Launching Your Product, Program, Course or Service Online? Read This First…

2012-06-18 06.56.25Does just thought of the word product launch stress you out? Are you clueless on how to sell your product, program, course or service that you’ve invested so much in creating?

I know how you feel.

I was first introduced to the world of product launches back in 2005. I was a lawyer with my own practice, and I was pretty damn successful.

But I wanted to get out of serving just the clients that came into my practice; I wanted to move from serving one-to-one to serving one-to-many.

I felt I had some pretty unique work to offer to the world, and I wanted to get it out there in a big way. Leveraging the internet, I set out to create a product that I could create once and sell again, and again, and again.

This product wound up costing me $15,000 dollars to develop!

So, here I was with this beautiful product I was so proud of without having any clue how to sell it. Sure, I was selling one here and two there, but I wasn’t moving the product in a way that I had imagined when I created it.

I tried buying ad space on a blogger network. I wound up having my ad pulled (I wasn’t too good at speaking to my target market back in the day). With nothing left to try, I invested $30,000 to work with an information marketing expert.

At this point, I was no longer tapping into my savings. I was using my business credit. I had invested everything I had.

So with the help of this marketing expert, I hosted a teleseminar and launched a program that I hadn’t even finished yet!

With no product, no program, and no list I made $117,000 in 67 minutes.

Since then, I’ve never sold a completed product or program.

If you’ve got a product/program that you haven’t already finished: Stop. Wait. Don’t!

A huge part of the product you’re going to deliver gets developed during the sales process.

Here is the basic product launch formula we use at EWO:

  • Multiple Emails: Send out 4 emails inviting people to a teleseminar (… conference call or webinar)
  • Host the teleseminar (To learn how to host a killer teleseminar, check out Lisa Sasevich’s ‘6-Figure Teleseminar Secrets.’
  • Create Reasons to Invest Now: Structure your script in a way that creates demand for what you’re offering
  • Offer Added Bonuses: Make an offer on the call that is only for a limited time or you only have a limited amount of product for sale, have a specific date after which people can no longer buy you product or join your program, and offer a bonus for people who take action fast.
  • Have a Killer Follow Up Campaign!

Of course, this is a very simplified version, but you get the basic flow of the process. The key is to master the fundamentals, then you can add all the bells and whistles.

Where are people going to screw up this simple formula? (Skip the screw ups and let us handle your launch.)

1.They’re not going to send out enough emails ahead of time to promote the teleseminar.

When you fail to correctly promote your teleseminar, you’re going to end up on the call with a small number or people (if any at all).

2.They’re going to drive people directly to a sales page without hosting a seminar.

By directing people straight to a sales page, you lower your conversion rate dramatically. Hosting a teleseminar allows you to build a relationship with your audience and hear what their needs and wants are so you can include it in your products.

3.They’re not going to have people opt-in for the teleseminar.

The biggest value of hosting a teleseminar is to build your list!

My first teleseminar, I had 750 opt-ins. This meant that after my seminar was over and I made my sales, I was able to still build a relationship with my list of 750 people.

Also, when people register, you’re able to send reminder emails. This ensures more people end up on the call.

Listen to this: We’ve found that ONLY 3-10% of people that you come in contact with are ready to buy now. That means that if you’re rushing to make the sale and failing to collect contact info, you’re missing out on the 90-97% of people who may be ready to buy later.

Now that we’ve created a project management system, launch doesn’t have to be a dirty word anymore. Because I’m no longer trying to juggle everything and make sure the pages are up and the links are correct and the emails are going out, I’m able to focus on what I do best: the content and the creativity. And that’s what I want for you. (Listen to my call on how to launch.)

We’ve mastered our product launch system, and it’s worked to help us make millions on our products and services. If you’re ready for us to put this mastery to work and launch your product or service for you, now’s the time to take action.

Can any of you resonate with the feeling of uncertainty that comes with launching a new product or service? Or have you launched a product without knowing how to sell it or you’ve followed step-by-step programs and had weaker sales than you’ve expected? Leave me a comment below and tell me your story. I’d love to hear it!