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How to Fix a Broken Back-End Business Model

577414_435978136484794_772848149_nMost people wouldn’t know that we’re struggling here in the Eyes Wide Open business.

Our #1 core value is “show up naked,” so I’m going to tell you — we are.

Imagine this:

You’ve got a list of more than 13,000 people, all the top Joint Venture partners you could want, products that convert extremely well to sales, and you’re bringing in $50-60,000 a month in revenue. But you’re barely making ends meet.

How could that be?

As the CEO I’ll tell you, it’s very simple: our overhead is way too high for our profit margins.

Our front end products just aren’t profitable enough to carry the business forward without MUCH higher volume. And our business model has some serious holes in the back end (there are some much higher-profitability back end options on the table that we simply can’t say yes to because of constraints around Alexis’ time and willingness in this business — for example, she’s not willing to provide one-on-one coaching, high end masterminds or live events.)

So for the past few months I’ve been struggling with this question — how do I (within the constraints I’ve mentioned) maximize our assets, increase our profitable revenue streams & reduce expenses as lean as I can while we choose the right back end business model or ramp up volume on the front end in a way that is sustainable?

This is the joyful challenge that faces every entrepreneur.

It’s the juiciest problem and I totally love it.

The constraints: our brand & our front-end funnels are built around Alexis and the work she’s created. We need back-end products that have higher profitability than our front-end, but the back end can’t be built around Alexis — because she only wants to work 3 hours a week in this business. She also doesn’t want to coach people 1 on 1, lead mastermind groups or host big events. (All the traditional back-end models for Online Businesses.)

So we’ve been exploring this question:

2012-07-24 07.53.25What business model is right for us given our weaknesses & strengths?

I’m still brainstorming solutions to this (if you’d like to have input, take our survey) that will allow us to scale – but in the meantime, we’ve decided to do something that is so needed in our industry AND meets all the requirements of our constraints, leverages our highest gifts both individually (me and Alexis) and within our whole company (talents already on our team) that will allow us to relax deeper into the discovery process around our own work.

“Product Launch Done for You.”

Alexis has “launched” several million dollars of products and programs online. It’s second nature to her. I’ve developed a launch management structure that makes it feel easy. And our team so understands the process that there is no strain, struggle, adrenal burn out or stress leading up to a launch anymore.

Done for you product launch leverages our skill at being able to quickly & effectively launch products and programs, Alexis’ brilliance at interviewing people & structuring offers and sales calls, our high-converting copywriting experience, our Launch Campaign project management, and our ability to pull a high quality product out of thought leaders.

It meets Alexis’ requirement that if someone is going to pay us big money, they’ll not just get coaching, but actual implementation as well. Plus, we won’t just be giving them fish, but teaching them to fish too so they aren’t dependent on us.

So we did a call to our list a couple of weeks ago called, “How to make $117,000 in 67 Minutes… Starting From Scratch – With Just What You Already Know!” We got a huge response, with 800 people immediately registering in just two days and 40% live call attendance.

Listen to that call here:

In it, Alexis shares her product launch history from losing $15,000 on her first launch by doing things the way most people do them to making $117,000 in 67-minutes on her second launch, going on to have several 6-figure launches and building two entire million dollar plus businesses by following a proven model that she lays out in detail on the call.

By choosing a back end business model that meets our constraints and leverages our highest talents, we are able to focus on the work we are truly called to do — helping you integrate the reality of business as a path to awakening — without the constant struggle of running a business payroll to payroll.

We get to help more people bring their Great Work into the world.

And, we love what we do.

If you’d like to be considered for our Done For You Product Launch Service (we only handle 1 per 4-6 weeks), get on our waiting list with your application here: