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Year-End Numbers — Have You Looked at Yours Yet?

2012-07-23 07.16.35What Do They Show About Whether Your Entrepreneurial Archetype is Aligned With Your Business Model?

This past Friday, I dove into our year end numbers with our financial team and it was quite an eye-opener.

Have you reviewed your year-end numbers yet? Your business model depends upon it.

Your year-end numbers can actually be fun to look at and it’s always illuminating, especially when you’ve got financial systems to track things properly.

So, here’s what I saw:

Over here at Eyes Wide Open HQ, 1/3 of our income came from sharing other people’s work with our community, with a full half of that from sharing Marie Forleo’s B-School. [We’ll be doing it again in a couple of weeks, watch for our business-changing bonus.]

1/3 of our income came from selling the LIFT and Money Map programs.

1/3 of our income came from providing group coaching via our Eyes Wide Open and Have it All programs.

This is a big shift from prior years when a big part of our income was made from me providing one to one private guidance. It’s something I do very well, but there’s a big energy cost for me.

Our business model is built around my Star Archetype, which if you listened to our New Year’s Eve calls you know means it must support creating and connecting.

I get burned out and grumpy otherwise.

We’re in the regular exploration of what that means and how it changes things from the traditional model we’ve learned and what you see regularly from other business folks around town.

If you are part of our Eyes Wide Open or Have it All Coaching programs, you get to see behind the scenes as we put this into affect on our All-Access weekly team calls.

We are the only online business that I know of that let’s you come behind the scenes and see how a mature business in transition (always) is really run.