Over the past 18 months, I have re-built my businesses with my partner Craig so that we can literally work from anywhere with just a laptop, internet connection and occasionally a video camera.I’m a single mom raising my two kids with a lot of help and love while I am truly, finally living my dream & having it all.
In this montage you can see a variety of places we’ve done our work over the last year.
This has been a huge transition/transformation for me.
I started out as a lawyer working for a big law firm, transitioned into my own bricks and mortar law practice where I was still working 6-7 days a week. Five years ago, I made the transition to let go of all that in favor of building businesses that make a huge difference in the world and allow me to work from anywhere and be present with my kids.
Today, my kids are routinely praised for their kindness, love and heart — that was NOT the case before we made this transition. In fact, I would say they were headed down a path of anger, destruction and addiction.
I am so grateful for these online businesses and the ability to make our own way in the new economy while deeply supporting our children.
We really can have it all – that means you, too!
I look forward to sharing more of my story and the path Craig & I are walking on our evolutionary path of entrepreneurship.
Be sure to sign up for email updates from this blog so you can follow our journey, and begin taking the steps toward financial liberation and finding your tribe, giving your deepest gifts in the world, and truly having it all.
Here is a small handful of pics Craig has taken over the past year for a fun Facebook update theme he calls “The Office… Today…”